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Date Posted: 08:19:40 09/05/08 Fri
Author: SomethingAboutLuke
Subject: Me too. I've been bored by it
In reply to: LL-Fascination 's message, "This is her second week" on 21:34:02 09/03/08 Wed

Honestly, I've been watching because of Genie but have been disappointed since the first day watching her sitting there like a lump. The whole show is a bore. Why would Lulu love this dull, boring Johnny? He's not fun or exciting like Luke was. She keeps saying Johnny is nothing like his family and yet we see him with his sister talking about killing their father. Guza's version of the Menendez brothers -- the Zaccara sibs.

In what court would the victim's father be allowed to prosecute the defendent? Lets not even talk about the jury.

I know that soaps have a small budget but honestly couldn't they come up with a better ghostly image than Logan holding a tensor light under his chin?

The only interesting thing about General Hospital is Maxie and Spinelli. Not enough to keep me watching though and fastforwarding through the rest of the dreg.

Before Genie's return I was watching "Monarch of the Glen" dvds from the library. Now there's a soap! It's 5 star stuff for anyone looking for something to watch.

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