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Date Posted: 23:21:44 03/04/09 Wed
Author: LL-Fascination
Subject: My thoughts about this episode
In reply to: Erica24 's message, "Ha ha ha. You were totally right!" on 22:05:12 03/04/09 Wed

I actually laughed through the scenes of Sawyer picking the flower and he and Jules saying I love you to each other. I was totally unbothered by them being a couple. In fact, they were cute and made me smile.

Sawyer and Juliet have had 3 years getting to know each other. Sawyer thought he would never see Kate again. Juliet is pretty, smart, and compassionate towards Sawyer. I can see him finding some happiness and trying to move on from Kate since he thinks Kate is gone forever.

But this episode was a HUGE ANVIL that SKATE is still the love story. Sawyer's speech about getting over someone in 3 years was sad. He has obviously thought about the chance he had with Kate before he jumped from the helicopter.

Seeing Kate's face again brought everything back for Sawyer. I LOVE that Skate has their own love theme.

I would have liked more of a reaction from Evangeline Lilly. I think she is downplaying Kate's feelings for Sawyer because she thinks that Jate is the love story. Hopefully she will give more later on in her performances.

I may be mistaken but I think the writers are going to pull a huge "GOTCHA" moment on us when they finally show flashbacks of Kate grieving for Sawyer and missing him. They have GOT to show something from Kate in regards to her feelings for Sawyer. *I* need to see something and FEEL it.

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