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Date Posted: 14:53:58 03/12/09 Thu
Author: SomethingAboutLuke
Subject: Yes, I watched yesterday
In reply to: GM 's message, "Anyone here see yesterday's GH (3-10-09)" on 10:52:45 03/12/09 Thu

Luke has a shiny new toy to play with, by the name of Ethan. I guess he sees this guy as a young Luke Spencer.

If you are referring to incident with Ethan stealing Lucky's wallet and Luke defending him against Lucky, he totally miscalculated that entire incident. Luke was acting like it's all fun and games but Lucky was suspicious of Ethan's motives and Luke was all lighten up. I don't get the outrage on SZ. Tracey's the one that really stuck her nose in where it didn't belong. Luke stopped Lucky from leaving and was handling it by telling Lucky that he followed his path and that's all he wanted for Lucky.Then Tracey jumps in to defend Luke's actions with this insane response 'maybe if you had been a better son, then he would've been a better father.' Lucky left with his feelings hurt, Luke felt bad and told Tracey to stay out of disagreements between he and his kid.

Now, Ethan is a mess. Can't talk and looks like he never showers and there's nothing charming about him. It looks like Holly is going to be his mama.

Onto the Robin and baby Emma storyline. It doesn't work for me. I saw a spoiler that she picks up some guy in a bar so besides forgetting she has a baby is she also forgetting that she has HIV?

What was the point of the fire at Kelley's? It looks as exactly as it did before.

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