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Date Posted: 00:07:31 05/08/09 Fri
Author: LL-Fascination
Subject: Canadian TV Guide-Genie and JJ don't agree with Tony!

Saw this posted on the L&L Unrevised board and I wanted to make sure you all saw it. I have to say I am so GLAD that Genie called Tony up and told him what she thinks! I doubt that Tony cares and the damage has already been done to L&L but I admire Genie for calling Tony up and speaking the truth. Here is the article-

In the new Canadian TVGuide:
So what does Genie Francis think of the news that Luke apparently cheated on Laura in the early 90s? Back then, if you remember, the Spencers were sort of like the a really cool version of the Cleavers: they were different and weird and had guns, but, at the end of the day, you knew they were a solid family unit who adored each other. They even had a dog, for crying out loud. And then Nikolas came to town, and it's been a long slow slide ever since.

"I hate this story," Francis tells me over the phone, pulling no punches. "I called Tony up after I heard about it and told him I thought it was going too far. The viewers aren't stupid. They remember what Luke and Laura were like back in the early 90s. And that Luke would have never cheated on Laura."

I contacted the other main player at the time, Jonathan Jackson, who played Lucky, and he told me simply, "When I was around, the Spencers were a very loving family, both on and offscreen. I don't see any reason to mess with that." And he repeated what his former off-screen mother said: "The viewers aren't stupid."

Guess he's still a chip off the old block.

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