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Date Posted: 16:06:33 06/09/09 Tue
Author: Lukeyhere/Elizabeth
Subject: Re: Lost has one more season to go
In reply to: LL-Fascination 's message, "Lost has one more season to go" on 23:17:20 06/08/09 Mon

So Lost will soon put you out of either your misery or your joy.:-) I can identify.

I hope it goes the way you want. I felt frustrated for a long time after the Sopranos, not because of the infamous cut to black (although I was not a fan of that ending) but because I felt we'd been teased mercilessly in the final season with the promise of Tony finally, finally finding some degree of moral/spiritual redemption and achieving some real degree of psychological introspection. Never happened.

I eventually made my peace with it, and on one hand I can't deny that it was foolish for me to every buy into the notion of deliberate character "change" or growth or reformation, since that's a possibility Chase repeatedly raised for many of his characters (and showed them yearning for) yet that he never, ever allowed to come to fruition. He doesn't believe in it, I suppose, doesn't think it's really possible. In the end it was his show and his vision of the world, and I had to just respect that he didn't want to entertain the same possibilities for people that I do.

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