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Date Posted: 23:39:51 09/29/09 Tue
Author: Erica
Subject: Yep, that's how I feel. And I want him on the opposite side of the Earth as Liz.
In reply to: SomethingAboutLuke 's message, "Re: GH Casting Spoiler" on 11:58:58 09/29/09 Tue

To say I hate Liz is like saying Luke hates the Cassadines. "Hate" doesn't begin to cover it. I can not stand the sight of her. I want her dead. I want her forgotten. I want Lucky to take Cam and RUN far far away from her. I even dislike her smirky, annoying, spoiled, fake-boobed, eye-rolling portrayer.

I am not keen on JJ coming back. My memories of his Lucky are pretty much untainted by Guza. He left just as things were getting really bad. If he comes back, it will be the same. They're just recasting the character, not the writers, which is what we really need.

I don't think anything will be different, except JJ will get more screen time. But his fiance is still screwing his brother. So, yeah....welcome back, JJ. You wanted it. Here it is, in all it smelly, crappy glory.

I feel just AWFUL for poor Greg. His wife is pregnant with their second baby. I'm actually worried about them having insurance. Ugh, TPTB are just @ssholes of the highest measure.

And seriously - they wanted JJ back and not Genie?? That's a load of horse hooey, too, and sexist to boot. And considering the state of Luke nowadays with his ugly extra kid and his disappearances and his picking Tracy over Laura - I try to pretend he's not even on the show anymore.

Unfortunately, none of my feelings are positive. I just don't see any good coming out of this. JJ may be a good actor, but he's not a magician. He can't blink good writing into existence, or erase the last 10 years. :(

God, I just hope they don't pair him with Liz. ANYONE BUT LIZ. ANYONE.

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