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This is where you can sneak practically anything.to sneak, you MUST post I,______sneak______from_____to_______ (ex,I,SOL,sneak Mara from love isle to charmed isle)if you don't post it like that, it doesn't count.to sneak someone back, just post I,_____sneak_________back from_______ (i AJ,sneak Mara back from Charmed Isle) almost every kind of sneak counts.here's what you can sneak:

things you CAN sneak

other horses
a WHOLE herd
a TT

things you CAN"T sneak:

Mares with foals.
Leads without a mate,beta,or backup to save them
you cannot sneak Royal Herds!!

Exceptions on sneaking:
The only way you can sneak a newborn foal or the foal's mother is if you sneak them TOGETHERjust post
Lead Horses or the mate can save them.

Subject Author Date
After a night of being a man whore on Grindr I go home a pretend to be a family manryan edwards12:07:58 05/31/17 Wed
Battle Nations Cheat Tool V1.02.exe.rarmarienie20:44:59 01/21/14 Tue
Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in CanadaSanita John00:21:40 03/20/12 Tue
!EVIL NACKT!Evil Nackt05:38:38 07/18/05 Mon
!EVIL NACKT!Evil Nackt12:45:10 07/15/05 Fri
I Dynesty sneak Sweet Lyk Heavn from Lovers isle to plains of death (why? Cause i'm board) (NT)Dynesty18:57:43 04/29/01 Sun

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