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Date Posted: 05:35:22 08/01/05 Mon
Author: somenoise
Subject: Profit - A name you can't trust - on dvd!!!

So, does anyone remember this serie???

I saw this media player about the serie, and the dvd which is being released on Aug. 9th, with ALL of the episodes!:

Jim Profit was even worse than Hannibal Lecter!
I was amazed with all the originality. The bad guy is often a lot more interesting than the good guy.
Wasn't America ready for something so good, uncommon and unique ???

Media Player:

Here are some quotes about the Serie:

"The cult hit originally aired on Fox in 1996. The series received glowing reviews from critics, but due to the controversial premise of the show, it was pulled after only three episodes

were shown, including the two hour pilot. Now for the first time ever PROFIT The Complete Series will be available, including the final four episodes that were never aired in North


Profit was raised by an abusive and sadistic father in horrendous conditions. Imprisoned naked in a windowless room, with a cardboard box for a bed, his only connection to the world

was TV. After his father's mysterious death, Profit was set free. He manically pursued education and corporate success, working his way up the ladder using any means necessary,

including blackmail and murder. He pursued wealth and power with a vengeance, ultimately taking over Gracen and Gracen, the same multi-billion dollar company that produced the

cardboard box that his father confined him to. Danger and intrigue eventually unfold, as company executives begin to challenge Profit."

"Mustworthiness By the end of the 1996 drama's pilot, Jim Profit (Adrian Pasdar), protagonist/corporate climber/ultrasmooth sociopath, had slept with his stepmom, killed his dad, and

retired, naked, to a cardboard box littered with chicken bones. And still Fox canceled it. "

Don't forget to check the media player for more info:

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