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Date Posted: 14:40:40 02/18/18 Sun
Author: Steve Keyser-Fishmonger (unrealistic optimist)
Subject: Send Real Money and Hope for Make-Believe Documents, slv@tbwifi.ca
In reply to: Unique documents 's message, "buy fake passport, buy real driver's license, buy real ID" on 19:37:22 02/18/17 Sat

Save Time and Effort

Send real money

Send money to someone you never met. Indeed, all you know about them is that they are set up to receive money, and they profess expertise in fake IDs or fake search engine results. So naturally you should be ready to send money. It just makes sense to deal with people who proclaim their ability to deceive.

And, there are a lot of them to choose from:
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several naked ladies standing by the sea

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