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Subject: hot mommies and thermolift

Wanda (confused)
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Date Posted: 13:11:02 09/10/08 Wed

I first started with hot mommies and the thermolift back in about 2000. It was great and i could feel the pounds come off since then i have stopped and started back up several times as it is instructed. I have asked several times what to do and have done so to try to get the weight back off over the years going to the doctors for my thyroid and blood work thank God things are fine but this just stopped working for me for some reason. I have taken more of the hot mommies as I was instructed,but nothing?? has this happened to anyone else? please please give some input on this i have lost all hope that i will ever loose this weight again and that i tell you ladies is very depressing now the doctors want to treat me for IBS with Ativan or other depression meds. I don't want this at all i just wish that this hot mommies would work for me again it was so wonderful when it did i was totally a different person now i have to force myself to do just everyday life things which i use to enjoy. Its not bad but i want to feel the way i used to with hot mommies. Any suggestions my kids and HUSBAND! I know would appreciate it.

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[> Subject: Re: hot mommies and thermolift

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Date Posted: 08:46:41 09/20/08 Sat

Back in 2000 Thermolift had ephedra in it, when taking that with Hot mommies essential 3, i could see how the pounds would fly off. Things have changed now. The FDA banned the ephedra akoloinds that were in Thermolift. All the weight loss products on the market now have a different type of ephedra akoliods that are not as potent and do not work as well.

So that is one of the reason you not dropping the pounds.

My suggestion is to get back on the Hot Mommies Essential 3, taking two in the morning and two mid afternoon.

Also take Thermolift MILLENNIUM, taking 1, 30 minutes before breakfast and 1, 30 minutes before lunch

The above combo should balance your hormones and make you lose the weight. You need to do this everyday with out fail and drink at least 3 quarts of water a day, eat a low fat diet and EXCERCISE........Excercise helps with weight loss, mood swings and more. You should do this combo for 3 months. I belive you will find that you will feel and look better in 3 months.

Don't give up and go on prescription meds, there are to many side effects with those.


>I first started with hot mommies and the thermolift
>back in about 2000. It was great and i could feel the
>pounds come off since then i have stopped and started
>back up several times as it is instructed. I have
>asked several times what to do and have done so to try
>to get the weight back off over the years going to the
>doctors for my thyroid and blood work thank God things
>are fine but this just stopped working for me for some
>reason. I have taken more of the hot mommies as I was
>instructed,but nothing?? has this happened to anyone
>else? please please give some input on this i have
>lost all hope that i will ever loose this weight again
>and that i tell you ladies is very depressing now the
>doctors want to treat me for IBS with Ativan or other
>depression meds. I don't want this at all i just wish
>that this hot mommies would work for me again it was
>so wonderful when it did i was totally a different
>person now i have to force myself to do just everyday
>life things which i use to enjoy. Its not bad but i
>want to feel the way i used to with hot mommies. Any
>suggestions my kids and HUSBAND! I know would
>appreciate it.

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