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Date Posted: 06:49:08 04/18/05 Mon
Author: Fenix
Subject: he smirked idly a moment as he stood...a hand catching her him and pulling her to him...lips dipping to catch hers in a gentle kiss - not saying a word. It was easy for him now to lie to her as he did...she was so easily manipulated into thinking exaclty what he wanted her to think...and kissing her was no different...
In reply to: Fenix 's message, "i'm in power for the hour" on 06:35:37 04/17/05 Sun

>as he continued down the driveway his speed
>decreased...easily stopping the bike in its place
>before removing to helmet...in which case was a bit
>too tight. A hand caught hers to help her off the
>bike....handing her the keys as he himself moved from
>the seat. It was late...nearly 1 in the morning to be
>exact...all they'd done was blow through a few tanks
>of gas and were just out on their own

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  • He caught her off gaurd as he pulled her up and she barely kept her balence in the shallow, thigh deep water as he brought he up to kiss him... but she felt the electricity pulse though them and her fingers clung to his shoulders, returning the innocent kiss helplessly. She was usually good at staying in complete control of things- but he was casting a spell over her and she was falling , and believing him so naively. -- Tara, 06:53:10 04/18/05 Mon
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