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Date Posted: 11:26:25 07/03/04 Sat
Author: Jake
Subject: He grinned lightly, leaning against the door frame casually. "Sorry I didn't call first doll, I was just driving by and thought I would stop by and say hello..been a bit since I saw you and I was getting impatient." He winked a bit, watching her her quietly."You like them?"
In reply to: Jake 's message, "
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on heavans door
on 11:08:14 07/03/04 Sat

>He had flowers sent here the day before and now here
>he was himself - clad in dirty style torn jeans, flip
>flops,and a tight tee shirt that read "Beachtown
>Summer camp". His hair was messy but stylish, his eyes
>wandering over the house. This place seriously
>hardcore money, definate plus - not to mention the
>girl was gorgeous...it was turning into a nice little
>distraction for awhile...

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  • Her dark gaze softens considerably, watching him gently as she found herself shifting her body just slightly in his direction, her back against the doorframe now, fingers playing over her navel absently, flirtily "I loved them.... Its good to see you..." She hadn't expected him to be such a nice guy...the guys she met out on the strip were usually only after one thing...and when they didn't get it they were usually long gone... -- Tara, 11:32:39 07/03/04 Sat
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