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Date Posted: 07:31:08 04/09/01 Mon
Author: Elric
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Notes

This first part is just for Alia. Everyone else can skip down to the asterisks.
Because of the way I have your character set up for the rest of the story, I won't be able to work in her having a tail. I may be able to do it when I revise it, but I can't make any promises. If I were to give your character a monkey tail and keep it so that she's a martial artist, it would be painfully obvious to anyone who is familiar with DBZ that your character was influenced by it, so if I do make it so that your character has a tail, it will not be a monkey tail, and she won't be a martial artist. Personally, I don't like the martial arts thing at all because it doesn't really fit in with the European medieval setting, and I would really prefer that she have some other sort of vocation. I would appreciate knowing what you think.
* * *
I dislike the last part I wrote because I can't come up with a good explanation for the time warp, it doesn't fit in with the rest of the story, and on top of that, I just don't like the way it's written, so I'm going to go back and rewrite it. I'm getting somewhat burnt out on both the story and the characters, so I'm going to take a break from working on this story once I finish rewriting the last section, maybe two weeks or so.

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[> Yup.... -- Alia^^, 14:04:49 04/09/01 Mon (NoHost/

Ok, you can forget the tail, I know what you mean by people linking it back to DBZ. I'm just glad that you decided to keep me in the story! ^^

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