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Date Posted: 21:17:00 04/24/01 Tue
Author: DJ Inky
Author Host/IP: webcacheW04b.cache.pol.co.uk /
Subject: Oh yeah...and do I really care if people like me? No, unlike you.
In reply to: Phoenix The Rebirth A.K.A. Horned Beast 's message, "Do all of us the huge favor and shuve it!!!!" on 14:56:33 04/24/01 Tue

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[> [> gay -- gay, 16:24:42 04/25/01 Wed (inktomi2-not.server.ntl.com/

>Inky if you haven't noticed a lot of people here don't
>like you at all. Now first off what makes you think i
>rely on the net for my life??????!!!!!!!! Where the
>hell did you get that from?????! I took what you said
>seriously becuase of a simple thing, YOU WEERE
>SIEROUS!!! You purposefuly spelled my name wrong an
>exsesive amount of times, *Germy* you do nothing but
>mock me and just about anyone els, if someone say's a
>joke or something or posts one that is obviously
>pretty humours you have to give off a stupid remark to
>make it look dumb and to get you'r attention and the
>daily reply's of * basically saying * shut the hell
>up. Okay Inky here is the news flash of the decade for
>you, YOU THINK YOU'R FUNNY. Notice the THINK part, get
>over you'r self, and have i EVER shown any signs of
>being fragile enough to have a nervouse breakdown,
>NO!!! And when i was talking to Erin about you'r
>behavior and trying to get you to shut up i was not
>freaking out i was just plained PISSED at you, and
>most people can get the normaly from someone with
>you'r attitude. Also what does the fact that im
>American have to do with anything? Are you prejuidice
>to??? I honestly wouldn't be surprized.
>P.S. When i mad the joke about you'r parents, that WAS
>a joke, so don't say i take the internet to sierously.

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