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Date Posted: 15:27:08 04/25/01 Wed
Author: Phoenix The Rebirth A.K.A. Horned Beast
Author Host/IP: p3E9E1CC4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de /
Subject: Ahhh no...
In reply to: DJ Inky 's message, "Blah, blah, blah..." on 21:06:12 04/24/01 Tue

I KNOW that Erin and Jason were on you'r side, thats why isadi nothing of them in that message saying that she or him were with me. I don't know you'r sense of humor cause if you'r saying something rude it can be a joke or you can be serious and are trying to insult someone. So i KNEW they were on you'r side, k? Oh and i may be young bit i know A LOT for someone who is my age, also the fact that you'r prejudice vs Americans makes me say this, you are fucking beyond my comprhension, you think that cause you'r British you'r better then Americans, ummmm no-nationalty doesn't make anyone els better then anyone els, so don't call me dumb, anyone could have figured that out dumbass. Lets get this straight you'r the kind of person who if they saw a poor person on the street with a bowl infront of them for money-you more then likely make fun of them with you'r pathetic little friends who are shit for brains, and things like that would be sad sense you have a little bit better lives then others, or you THINK you have better lives then others, im NOT stupid, i may be young but im happy to be young, i may be American and im PROUD of it, i don't diss British people but you diss Americans, why? Who cares if Jason and Erin knew you were joking, I DIDN'T. And that to me is all that matters, to tell you the truth of it i don't think you were joking i think you were trying to cover it up and to make you'r self looke a LITTLE bit better. Thats my two cents on it and i DON'T care if people DON'T LIKE ME, I care if they start to insult me and my nationality, wouldn't you get mad is i said something extrmeely rude about British people? Im not saying you said anything rude about American people but i will say that you are definetely saying that sense im American it makes me bad or something. And i honestly was not that pissed at you, the only thing i really car about is the fact that there are, i THINK two British people on this board and you'r gonna go off and diss the Americans when that may well be all that is left beside you and Erin. And in you'r next post please don't say anything rude about Americans because i have never said anything bad about British people in my whole life.

P.S. If you notice i put alot of ! marks and sense i was serious in my previous post i was trying to cut down so im sorry if it mislead you.

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[> [> [> [> Oh dear... -- DJ Inky, 21:44:48 04/25/01 Wed (webcacheM10b.cache.pol.co.uk/

I hope you didn't take too long to write that 'coz I can't at all be bothered to read it.

But if you wanna know this thing I have about Americans, it's that if you want us brits to stop making fun of you then you'd better start actiong like you were actually born WITH brains.

P.S. I don't believe you know a lot for someone your age, 'coz your typing is appaling.

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[> [> [> [> [> Yeah so -- Phoenix The Rebirth A.K.A. Horned Beast, 15:00:45 04/26/01 Thu (p3E9E1CFF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de/

Yeah so? What the hell does my typing have to do with anything, so what if i got some mistakes????

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Well, good handwriting and some paragraphing make it easier on the eyes. -- DJ Inky, 22:15:51 04/26/01 Thu (webcacheM06b.cache.pol.co.uk/

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[> [> [> [> Oh dear... -- DJ Inky, 21:44:58 04/25/01 Wed (webcacheM10b.cache.pol.co.uk/

I hope you didn't take too long to write that 'coz I can't at all be bothered to read it.

But if you wanna know this thing I have about Americans, it's that if you want us brits to stop making fun of you then you'd better start acting like you were actually born WITH brains.

P.S. I don't believe you know a lot for someone your age, 'coz your typing is appaling.

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[> [> [> [> The British hatred of America thing... -- Selphie, 19:36:26 05/05/01 Sat (host213-123-10-9.btinternet.com/

Why am *I* to do with this all of a sudden?! I've NEVER been mean to you because you're American. To me it's just the same as making fun of people because of skin colour, accent, eye colour, hair colour, ethnic background. In other words, I think it's silly. So don't bother dragging me into it just because I'm British too.

Secondly, let me clear up just why British people seem to dislike Americans so much. This isn't what I think, well, not about most anyway, there may be a few who are like this, but anyway... this seems to be the general opinion of Americans in Britain.

1) Self-obsessed. Why? If you ask a British person about America, they'll be able to tell you SO much about it, as well as many other countries. If you ask an American about Britain, it's a different story. They know literally bugger all because all they are interested in is themselves. Hell, some of them think that the troubles in Northern Ireland is to do with a war between Ireland and Scotland!!

2) Egotistical. Why? Look at any war film you like. If you didn't know any better, you'd think that the Americans fought and won WWII single-handedly! Then there's the whole Atom-Bomb thing. This is the one thing about America which did actually piss me off! The President justified dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in this way "It was the only way to save American lives". That's not a direct quote, but it was something to that effect. WHAT THE HELL?! It's OK for them to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese people so long as AMERICANS are ok?!

3) Stupid. I know many highly intelligent Americans and for anyone to say that Americans are stupid is in itself stupid.

4) Always sticking their nose in! America seems to want to get involved in everything! :S

Want to add to that Inky? Remember, that's not what *I* think, that's a general opinion, and I'm just putting it forward.

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[> [> [> [> [> eh well.... -- Wayne, 02:07:01 05/09/01 Wed (spider-mtc-tc024.proxy.aol.com/

umm i just wanna make a couple points err about the atom bomb i had always felt it was more of a way of preventing the nazi's from ruling the world. it really did save more than just AMERICAN lives. sticking their noses in well that probably also goes back to WWII when they didnt want to get involved and it almost cost the world dearly

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Pfffffft(icles) -- Selphie, 19:23:16 05/09/01 Wed (host62-7-57-12.btinternet.com/

Umm... well, the Nazis were in Germany, this is JAPAN. Other side of the world matey. Also, if my memory of history serves me correctly - it probably doesn't because I didn't take history - then they had already been defeated and it was just the Japanese still warring.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ahhhh -- Wayne, 20:13:02 05/09/01 Wed (spider-mtc-tc022.proxy.aol.com/

maybe ehh i forget but i am pretty sure that britain did play a huge part in making the bomb

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