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Date Posted: 10:48:03 05/24/01 Thu
Author: Selphie
Author Host/IP: host213-122-93-214.btinternet.com /
Subject: Nicely said :)
In reply to: cloud_strife_73 's message, "hold up!" on 01:36:56 05/24/01 Thu

I don't know what "category" I'd fit into, mainly because I hate the whole idea of everyone having to be classified. I love loads of stuff to do with computers and I hate sport. Who REALLY wants to run 3 miles in the middle of winter freezing their ass off and being shouted at be some evil teacher?! But also, I don't stay in all the time. I like going out with friends, sometimes we drink alcohol, sometimes we don't.

Don't worry about whoever impersonated you. I'm sure voy has an I.P check thingy. I'll see if I can find out who it is. I'm sure we'll all discover it's "gay". You know what they say about people who talk to themselves... ;)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Alcohol? -- cloud_strife_73, 02:23:10 05/26/01 Sat (spider-wd081.proxy.aol.com/

er, alcohol? i guess its different over in scotland, but here its illegal for folks under 21. people say its good, but i've only had a taste of vodka, i think and X_X that sh*t is gross! they say the taste buds become more acclimated to alcohol with age, so maybe later i'll like it(of course, in moderation)
and ill never smoke because it kills your lungs. *boos ppl in my class who smoke*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Yeah.. hehe -- Selphie, 22:25:12 05/26/01 Sat (host213-122-217-144.btinternet.com/

To legally drink it in Scotland you've got to be 18, but we do it sometimes anyway. I like the taste and it's good to help you relax sometimes when you're out with your friends. I also hate smoking though, never have smoked, never will. I don't drink because it's "cool" or whatever, as I say, I do it because it's fun sometimes.

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