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Date Posted: 23:31:33 05/30/01 Wed
Author: Selphie
Author Host/IP: host213-122-93-85.btinternet.com /
Subject: Indeed
In reply to: Selphie 's message, "What crap" on 20:51:51 05/27/01 Sun

That wasn't an attempt at an insult, I was merely stating the truth. I don't give a damn if people insult me, especially people like you who know naff-all about me. I know you weren't insulting me there, but CS73. However, I'm just saying that if you MUST insult people, at least think of something original, unlike "U R GAY! HAHAHAHA! U R A GEEK! Oh ho ho, I'm sooooo funnney and witty!!"


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> you're missing the golden rule of insulting people -- gay, 13:57:26 06/02/01 Sat (inktomi2-not.server.ntl.com/

it's not the originality of the insults, it's wether they actually apply to the person i'm insulting you mortal

phoenix is gay, and types gay and is just, well, dumb!
cs73 is just a weakling and a nerd

what, do you want me to insult phoenix for not being able to comprehend the fact that the missing books of the bible (ie, Judith) are folklore, and were abandoned by jews in an attempt to crush the myths of beasts who can qabalistically raise themselves from soil?

>That wasn't an attempt at an
>insult, I was merely stating the truth. I don't give a
>damn if people insult me, especially people like you
>who know naff-all about me. I know you weren't
>insulting me there, but CS73. However, I'm just saying
>that if you MUST insult people, at least think of
>something original, unlike "U R GAY! HAHAHAHA! U R A
>GEEK! Oh ho ho, I'm sooooo funnney and witty!!"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Yeah, that's more like it. :P -- Selphie, 14:37:20 06/02/01 Sat (host213-123-26-72.btinternet.com/

Ahh, but since this is the Internet, you don't have a clue what any of the people are like, therefore your insults are rendered obsolete before you even begin. But if you feel you must continue to insult people, you can at least do something a little bit different!

Oh, and you say Phoenix types "gay"? You're not so great yourself. There is a shift key which enables you to put capitals in where they're required (ie. at the start of a sentence). Use it. :p

Have a nice day. You know, I think I like you. >:)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> heh... -- Wayne, 21:50:31 06/02/01 Sat (spider-wf063.proxy.aol.com/

elphie your beginning to sound like inky and me although ive never actually said it. hey dont make fun of people who dont use the shift key its like how that author ee cummings who never used capital letters in his books, its revolutionary.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Lol! My apologies if I caused offense. It will not happen again. :) -- Selphie, 22:52:50 06/03/01 Sun (host62-7-32-30.btinternet.com/

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