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Date Posted: 23:01:59 03/21/01 Wed
Author: Elric
Author Host/IP: ip181.hutchison.ks.pub-ip.psi.net /
Subject: Notes

LIke it says at the beginning of part seven, Phoenix will be renamed Cedric. Instead of being a fire wizard, he will be a cleric of a fire god, and in case you don't know, a cleric is like a priest, but they aren't quite so preachy. As intended originally, he will be about thirteen or fourteen. Hiro will show up again a few times, but it will be a while before he does (maybe part fifteen). A rough guess about the whole thing is maybe thirty parts, but it may be shorter or longer depending on how well I write it and if I come up with any more really good ideas that I like. Anyway, I'll try to have part eight by next Saturday (not the one coming up), but I can't make any promises. It depends mostly on what kind of mood I'm in. And finally, yes, I still intend to have a number of characters die, but who and when I'm still not going to let you know. You'll just have to wait and find out. And yes, I know I'm a bastard like that. Next, the post entitled 'EVERYBODY needs to read this' was written when I was kinda pissed off, but what I said about using other writers' ideas still stands. If you have any ORIGINAL ideas, I'm not entirely closed to them, but I won't make any promises.

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[> Thats okay with me!!! -- Phoenix The Rebirth, 10:00:05 03/22/01 Thu (p3e9e1cf6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de/

Well thats fine with me and i cannot wait to see when i come in!!! You'r stories are the best! i'l;l have to wrtie some to!!!


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[> I can hardly wait. -- DJ Inky, 21:54:01 03/22/01 Thu (webcachem04b.cache.pol.co.uk/

>LIke it says at the beginning of part seven, Phoenix
>will be renamed Cedric. Instead of being a fire
>wizard, he will be a cleric of a fire god, and in case
>you don't know, a cleric is like a priest, but they
>aren't quite so preachy. As intended originally, he
>will be about thirteen or fourteen. Hiro will show up
>again a few times, but it will be a while before he
>does (maybe part fifteen). A rough guess about the
>whole thing is maybe thirty parts, but it may be
>shorter or longer depending on how well I write it and
>if I come up with any more really good ideas that I
>like. Anyway, I'll try to have part eight by next
>Saturday (not the one coming up), but I can't make any
>promises. It depends mostly on what kind of mood I'm
>in. And finally, yes, I still intend to have a number
>of characters die, but who and when I'm still not
>going to let you know. You'll just have to wait and
>find out. And yes, I know I'm a bastard like that.
>Next, the post entitled 'EVERYBODY needs to read this'
>was written when I was kinda pissed off, but what I
>said about using other writers' ideas still stands. If
>you have any ORIGINAL ideas, I'm not entirely closed
>to them, but I won't make any promises.

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[> [> You know Inky, I really don't give a damn about what you think. -- Elric, 23:02:13 03/22/01 Thu (ip25.hutchison.ks.pub-ip.psi.net/

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[> [> [> You think I care? -- DJ Inky, 21:48:48 03/23/01 Fri (webcachem06b.cache.pol.co.uk/

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[> [> [> [> Well, obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't have responded. -- Elric, 22:02:54 03/23/01 Fri (ip241.hutchison.ks.pub-ip.psi.net/

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[> [> [> [> [> No, I'm just saying you saying you don't care won't stop me. -- DJ Inky, 20:16:40 03/24/01 Sat (webcachem08b.cache.pol.co.uk/

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[> [> Look, Inky, if you're just gonna keep being sarcastic, just don't bother. -- Selphie, 22:57:34 03/23/01 Fri (host62-7-30-198.btinternet.com/

>>LIke it says at the beginning of part seven, Phoenix
>>will be renamed Cedric. Instead of being a fire
>>wizard, he will be a cleric of a fire god, and in case
>>you don't know, a cleric is like a priest, but they
>>aren't quite so preachy. As intended originally, he
>>will be about thirteen or fourteen. Hiro will show up
>>again a few times, but it will be a while before he
>>does (maybe part fifteen). A rough guess about the
>>whole thing is maybe thirty parts, but it may be
>>shorter or longer depending on how well I write it and
>>if I come up with any more really good ideas that I
>>like. Anyway, I'll try to have part eight by next
>>Saturday (not the one coming up), but I can't make any
>>promises. It depends mostly on what kind of mood I'm
>>in. And finally, yes, I still intend to have a number
>>of characters die, but who and when I'm still not
>>going to let you know. You'll just have to wait and
>>find out. And yes, I know I'm a bastard like that.
>>Next, the post entitled 'EVERYBODY needs to read this'
>>was written when I was kinda pissed off, but what I
>>said about using other writers' ideas still stands. If
>>you have any ORIGINAL ideas, I'm not entirely closed
>>to them, but I won't make any promises.

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[> i can't wait -- hiro, 23:40:05 03/24/01 Sat (cr234040-b.pr1.on.wave.home.com/

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