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Subject: "What is Your Testimony?"

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Date Posted: Friday, June 18, 12:46:12pm EST
In reply to: Striving2bProverbs31 's message, "My testimony" on Wednesday, June 16, 10:14:31am EST

I too was raised in the Church. I attended Catholic Mass on Sundays and went to Sunday School until I was in Junior High School. However, I never really understood how to apply what I was hearing in church to my everyday life. Church was very formal... you sit, stand, kneel and pray prayers (that my mother taught me from the age of five). So too, when I went to college I allowed myself to stray away from Church. I felt guilty but in another sense I didn't understand so why go. I too partied, drank, and fornicated. I always ended up with the guys that didn't care for me, but cared about what I could give or do for them. After my sophomore year of college I realized that I was on the wrong path and decided to move off campus and be by myself. I started to do much better in school but the same old guys kept hanging around. Eventually I just told myself and some co-workers that I was going to work on myself and leave the guys alone. Eventually I met my husband and knew there was something special about him. After a few weeks of dating he told me that he wanted me to go to church with him. I was nervous and scared because he attended a Baptist Church and the only Baptist Church I attended was in the South with my fathers family (not a pleasant experience for someone who attends a very QUIET formal service). I went and it was totally different. I finally got something out of church the Pastor was wonderful and I finally understood. In Feb 2000 my husband and I began taking premarital counseling and during our first session I asked God to Save me. Since then my Mother and Father have been saved and have found a Church home where they can grow.

Fastforward four years.....I have recently relocated to NJ and have let everyday life be my excuse for not finding a church home and not reading the Bible like I should.
I realized that I was going backward and had a discussion with my father about where I need to be spiritually and how to get there. Then Marschelle sends me an email about the E-Bible Study the very next day. Thank you for thinking about me.

PS....Finding a church home where you feel comfortable is not an easy thing. It took my husband and I months to find our last church (Antioch Baptist Church, Fairfax VA) so please pray that we will find one that that we love just as much.

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Whew! GIRL!!! :)M_Miller_Phil_4-20Tuesday, June 22, 05:06:58pm EST

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