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Subject: Re: List of MNI Secrets - #1-20

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Date Posted: 08:02:59 08/27/12 Mon
In reply to: MentiorEgo 's message, "Re: List of MNI Secrets - #1-20" on 17:49:55 06/12/12 Tue

>>>>The following is a list of MNI secrets so far. They
>>>>may or may not be numbered correctly.
>>>>1. What's this? - Click Control+A (WINDOWS) or
>>>>highlight (Select All) the entire page. At the top
>>>>right of the page, there is a small link "What's
>>>>this?" Click it and receive your reward!
>>>>2. Write Something Beautiful - On the homepage,
>>>>the quill on the Flourish and Blotts icon.
>>>>3. Eat Up - At the bottom of the Roleplay FAQ page
>>>>there is an image of a fork at the bottom. Click it
>>>>and receive your reward!
>>>>4. Copper or Brass - In the Classes there is a small
>>>>graphic at the top of the page. Click it and it will
>>>>take you to a riddle. The answer is "Cauldron" minus
>>>>the quotes.
>>>>5. Spiders Galore - On the MNI FAQ page, there is a
>>>>small piece of parchment at the bottom. Click it.
>>>>You'll find another riddle. The answer is "Aragog"
>>>>minus the quotes. This awards you 1 Galleon.
>>>>6. Crossed Words - Go to Diagon Alley, then click on
>>>>Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Click the piece of
>>>>at the bottom of the page. You can solve the puzzle,
>>>>or click the link below:
>>>> >>>>href="http://interactive.mugglenet.com/mni/index.php

>>>>7. Oh Starry Night - Click the star on the MNI logo
>>>>the top of the page. You may decode the riddle and
>>>>solve it if you wish, or just input the answer
>>>>"Snitch" minus the quotes to receive your reward.
>>>>8. Silly Staffers - On Mondays at the bottom of
>>>>page, there is a Site Credits and Mugglenet
>>>>Interactive Staff button. Click on it and look at
>>>>prefects list. At the bottom is the secret. Click it
>>>>to receive your reward.
>>>>9. Guh, Snape - Go to Ask Snape. Ask him "Tiberius"
>>>>minus the quotes and click on the boot to receive
>>>>10. The Gaunt House - Go to the General Common Room,
>>>>at the very bottom of the page there is a "Forum
>>>>drop down. Click the arrow to drop the list, then
>>>>scroll to the top. Under the "General" category,
>>>>is a board called "The Gaunt House." Select this
>>>>and you'll be rewarded.
>>>>11. Go to the Statistics Page ( >target=_blank rel=nofollow
>>target=_blank rel=nofollow
>>>target=_blank rel=nofollow
). First box on the right
>>>>the last ration is "Wizard to Muggle Ratio:". Click
>>>>that text to receive your reward.
>>>>12. Find the Sword - Go into any thread and click
>>>>Reply button. Once there next to the row of smiley
>>>>icons, click the "More" button. This will pop-up a
>>>>window with different smileys, click the small
>>>>to receive your reward.
>>>>13. A Timeley Affair - At 10:15PM MNI time, a
>>>>connection error comes up. Click repeatedly on the
>>>>word "refresh" in the error message until you are
>>>>taken to the another page and are awarded 2
>>>>14. Dissendium! - At the bottom of the forum page
>>>>there is a box called the "Mugglenet Interactive -
>>>>Info Center." To the right of the title, there is a
>>>>button which will shrink or expand the Info Center.
>>>>Click it. A link with the text "Dissendium!" will
>>>>appear, click it and receive your reward.
>>>>15. Got the time? - At the top of every page you'll
>>>>see a clock showing MNI time. Click the seconds to
>>>>receive your reward!
>>>>16. Feed Your Owl - Go to your inbox, in the
>>>>"Preferences" box on the left hand side, there is a
>>>>link that says "Feed Owl." Click it!
>>>>17. Stock up on Wolfsbane - On the full moon, a red
>>>>message will appear at the top of the MNI boards. Go
>>>>to Diagon Alley, then to Madam Malkin's Robes for
>>>>Occasions, and buy the Wolfsbane. Then go to your
>>>>Invenetory and click on the Woflsbane.
>>>>18. The Red Phone Booth - At the bottom of every
>>>>on MNI there are four graphics. When you roll over
>>>>each of the graphics a number appears in this order:
>>>>2 4 6. Click the number graphics in this sequence
>>>>collect your reward: 6-2-4-4-2
>>>Can someone piost up site secret 19?
>>Sure: 19 is you have to roll your cursor over the
>>disclaimer at the bottom of the page. It says
>>something about this being a site with fictional
>>currency. A pop up will then say Action is Power.
>>Click on Forms at the top of the page. The link will
>>be: >>href="http://interactive.mugglenet.com/mni/index.php?a
Change boardindex to
>>power, and there's your secret!
>>If you don't want to do that click here: rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank
>>Now I saw that somebody has secret 20. Anybody?
>I'm pretty sure this is 20, its not up here.
>Go to forums at the top and scroll down until you see
>something that says "New Posts" click on the little
>piece of parchment with a quill next to it.

>Anyone found secret 21 yet?

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