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Date Posted: 21:43:55 10/14/04 Thu
Author: RWC News
Subject: RWC Nov 6th

Ring Wars Carolina
Saturday November 6th, 2004
Westover Rec Center ~ Fayetteville North Carolina
Belltime 7:30
"The Big Show"

After the mayhem at "A Notorious Night" (October 2nd show) RWC Owner Mr Big vowed he would get revenge on all those that opposed him. Therefore he has announced the following matchups at the Nov 6th show in Fayetteville North Carolina which is by the way entitled "The BIG Show"....

* DJ P Roc will Face the 6'3 325pds Monster The Big Law Man in a special Grudge Match... Law Man debuted at "A Notorious Night" and helped Eddie Brown deliver a vicious beating to Hangtime and P Roc. P Roc did get the win in the tag match after a Mr Big misqued and knocked Law Man out with Hangtime's Carolina Title. the Big Law Man is mad, Mr Big wants Revenge. Can P Roc survive? We will find out on the 6th....

* RWC Tag Team Titles will be on the line as the champions The Dream Lovers will face The Phat Boyz, Krash The Milkman & Steve Michaels and a new team to RWC Tijuana's Most Wanted in a 4 way dance. This will be one of the toughest matches the Dream Lovers will have to defend their titles. Will RWC's favorite team walk away with the Titles? Or will we see new Tag Team Champions? Find out at the Westover Rec Center....

* RWC Carolina Title will be on the line when Champion Hangtime makes his first title defense against his two most hated enemies "The Notorious P.I.G." Eddie Brown and Team Drive By's Tre G (The former champion). Mr Big wants gold in his camp and wants it around Brown's waste. Will Tre G join the Big Army, or will he be out for himself? This question will be answered Nov 6th....

* In The Co-Main Event, A Special "FIRST BLOOD MATCH" for the RWC All American Heavyweight Title, The Champion, Ali Steele will face "Hell's 1st Family" member Aaron Devil with Dark Angel and Moses Manson. Will The Family final capture the gold they seek? Will Ali final close the chapter on this long fued and move on to other contenders? And who will be the first to shed BLOOD? Nov 6th will hold the answers....

* And in the Main Event, A 15 Man Over the Top Gauntlet Battle Royal with the winner recieving a RWC All American Heavyweight Title Shot at the Anniversary Show in December....

* Also Mr Big has said that he will make a special announcement on November the 6th concerning the Anniversary Show that will not only Rock all the FANS in attendence but will also Leave the lockerroom in disbelief....

Tickets are $5 with a special $2 off if you bring 2 can goods for our Food Drive....
For more information contact RWCOffice@hotmail.com or RingWarsCarolina.8k.com

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