Subject: Re: Bri |
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Date Posted: 08/ 8/06 6:44pm
In reply to:
's message, "Bri" on 08/ 6/06 12:58am
Hi, Rob! How're you doing? So, you excited about the tour ending (it is over isn't it? You all aren't taking a short break, then packing right up again, are you? lol!)
>So, how's everythign? Are you home or are you
>travelling right now?
I'm home. Working on doing some writing for my next book, a lot of PR work, y'know, interviews with magazines, ect. I'm going to be on the cover of SimVouge next week. They don't want to write anything, they want me to wear something. I love being a writer in NY, there's so little writing actually involved in the career. lol. As for the show, that's still on. Luckily, we got a lot of footage in the past few months, enough stocked away so I can be home more often now.
You might already know this
>since you're friends with Wolf, but we're in S.
>Africa. Can you believe it? South Freakin' Africa!
>I can't believe I'm here. lol It's been so awesome.
>I think on one hand I'm really gonna miss the band but
>on the other hand I'm so homesick I just can't wait to
>get back to TX. lol
Wolf hasn't spoken to me much about work lately. A little preoccupied, I suppose.
>So, wb and tell me how your daughter's doin' and what
>y'all are up to, ok?
Audie's doing wonderfully. She's away from me for the first time ever for more than a day, for the firs time, and I'm positively miserable! lol. She's having fun, though, so I guess that makes it alright. I just have to keep myself occupied so I don't linger too long on her empty room! lol
But other than that, she's doing really great. She's smart as a whip, she loves to read. I'm really proud of how good she's doing with her spelling and math. She'll be all ready for school this month. Can you believe it? Kids go back to school the end of this month!
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