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Subject: James

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Date Posted: 02/11/07 6:02pm

, >Hahah! Wow, then you'd REALLY better hope your little
>girl doesn't turn out like you. ;)

I do, with every fiber of my being.

>He's "overprotective" too?

Oh, Christ, yes. Terribly so, but he was far too loveable to hold it against him! lol!

>Yes, about three years ago for two weeks or so. I
>tried learning how to surf, and it didn't end well. :D

:D The surf in NZ is the best in the world.

>Me too! And I refuse to drive a marked car, that is, a
>police car, so I have these little suction cup sirens
>for emergencies only.
>I have a lot of emergencies. ;) Hahah, but you don't
>know that!:D

HAH! I reckon a number of cops turn on the sirens for 'emergencies'. "Yeah, hon, I'm on my way home.. pick up some ice cream? Sure. *que siren*"

>I know that it scares her a lot, but it personally
>makes me feel safer, knowing what I do and being able
>to do something about it. I'm just focusing on how I'm
>going to juggle work and the baby, but I'm pretty sure
>I can do it.

That'll be one hell of a juggling act, but I'm sure you can do it too. :)

>What were the first months like for you? Like an
>average day with a newborn.

For Audie it was get up at 4am for feedings, chancing, and generally 'get Baby to stop screaming!' time until about 7am, at which time I'd nap on the couch for an hour with my then-fiancee/babysitter took care of her, get up, put Audie down somewhere close for her to play (with the more-than-occasional crying spell), write for an hour until she got too fussy, fed her again, put her down for a nap, write, change her, try to get her to stop crying, then handed her off to aforementioned fiancee who arrived back at my flat after work, do the errands, to come home, make dinner (well, CALL for dinner, there was this spectacular Indian food place down the street), find Paris (fiancee) asleep on the couch with Audie lying on his chest, ALSO ASLEEP (I tell you, he was the only one who could get her to stop crying for more than an hour!) get him up trying not to wake her up, usually failing at which time he'd eat, I'd calm her down, feed her for the last time before "bed-time", change and put her to bed, get to my dinner just as it was cold, then fall flat out asleep on the couch/chair/bed/floor until midnight when she'd need another changing.

And that was just Baby #1.

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Re: JamesJames02/11/07 6:12pm

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