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Subject: Re: astrology

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Date Posted: 14:42:00 02/07/05 Mon
In reply to: Denise 's message, "astrology" on 08:24:13 02/06/05 Sun

Dear Denise,

Whenever I read for a person, I told him/her that what I am about to say is only to guide you. I would let them know that life is full of changes and what the reading has to say at this time could change depending upon circumstances. I would tell those whose paths looked smooth at the time not to just lie back and do nothing. I let them know they needed to keep working along the same lines. I did a lot of psychic spiritual counseling. The tools of divination are only a guide. They let you know what will probably happen. But that does not mean it is written in stone. I say the same thing about astrology. Astrology is a guide. It tells you your potentials and the tendencies for given situations. But it does not mean you are absolutely as your chart describes you. Nor does it mean any relationships you have will be as a chart shows you. It only shows you the possibilities. I have read quite a few books about astrology. And I get an astrology magazine every month. It is interesting to note all the various takes on Scorpios. Some astrologers cannot stand Scorpios whereas others think we're great. I have read some astrology books that were very accurate about me whereas others were way off. So I tell you look at what you read and let your soul tell you what really rings true from it.

Love And Blessed Be,

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