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Subject: Re: Leaving

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Date Posted: 14:04:57 09/14/05 Wed
In reply to: Alvin 's message, "Leaving" on 16:11:09 07/29/05 Fri

Alvin Lee of Singapore,

So you finally show your true colors. You are yet another lesson in why I should trust my instincts about people.Your leaving this forum is of no consequence as people leave online places all the time. But coming to our new site and willfully and malaciously causing trouble is yet another story.You and your twin soul will never get together until you have evolved a lot more spiritually. You may have loads of credentials in various academic subjects, but that does not make you a good person. I will say,though, you are talented at making people think you are such a nice person. I kept getting the message that you are a malacious trouble maker. Well, my guides are right about that. It is one thing to make an honest mistake. But you malaciously set out to cause trouble. Just remember what goes around comes around. And what you did will come back to you. Why are you confused about your twin soul? Are you seeing things about your relationship which never existed? Whatever it is, you are going through a dark night of the soul. And you will remain in that dark night until you come forth with honesty about yourself. You will remain there until you make ammends to all those you have intentionally and malacioulsy hurt.Among these people would be your wife.What your did to me and my husband pales in comparison to what you are doing to your wife. I know you have not been entirely honest with her.Yes, your wife knows about your twin soul. But does she know how much in love with this other woman you are? I bet not! I once said you are a Light Worker. I was wrong. You say you are a healer. I wonder about that. You may have a five-year degree in TCM, but that does not make you a healer. It makes you a technician. Until you come out of your dark night of the soul, you will never be a true healer in every sense of the word. Whether or not you ever see this does not matter, because the energies put forth in the writing of this will go out to you. The energies being that you will wake from your dark night of the soul and come into the light of being self aware.


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