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Date Posted: 12:11:55 09/02/04 Thu
Author: danee
Subject: [ - <font color=white>the world of galiar</font> - ]

[ - G A L I A R - ]
enter the world of galiar

In a world where nine kingdoms wage war driven by six vastly different species and where fragile alliances can be your victory or death there is no room for peace. As some kingdoms set out for conquest and world domination others struggle desperately to defend what is theirs, their home and their people. It is the land of Galiar, where magic is as common as a true warrior and young mages flock from the streets of the human cities to the kingdom of Ricimer to train and become a master of human magic. The Suminae also have magic, legend has it the Suminae were created when elves mastered the art of animal morphing and mixed their blood with dragons that likewise were able to change their form. The result was the Suminae, their natural appearance no one is quite positive about but they commonly take the shape of animals or a broader and darker version of elves.

Then you have the centaurs, brave and fierce these highlanders are renown for their ability to take to arms and fight and win against devastating odds. However, long ago the centaurs took on a flag of peace and now are rarely seen outside the Comitas. It is said, among hushed whispers in taverns that the legendary Centaurs of war had fought so bravely that they impressed the ancient dragons, who bestowed upon them the ability of foresight. All knowing, these one vicious warriors are now creatures of seclusion. Believing it is not their place to mix their affairs with the human race and remain ever peaceful in their homeland.

The Mikoa, a hybrid of half elf and half animal are despised by their ancestors the elves and it is rumoured that the Elves so detested the Mikoa, that they stripped them of their powers and left them little better then animals. Despite this, the Mikoa are likewise peaceful creatures and viciously loyal to one another. They do not believe in keeping secrets, as they view that as a completely human trait and thus they live in harmony in the lands of Faldron, a land gifted upon them by the Dragons, who abhorred the Elves as much as the Elves abhorred the Mikoa. Peaceful or not, the Mikoa will fight - and fight bravely - for their lands.

The most ancient of all the creatures however are the Elves and the Dragons, bards tales and legends combine both agree that when the world of Galiar was first created the Dragons were thus created as guardians of the land and whatever magical secrets it has for centuries kept hidden. Secrets that when they slip into the hands of the wrong human could rake total devastating destruction. It was hundreds of years later that the elves showed up - some said they just started appearing from no where, as if they stepped out from behind an invisible veil, others said they came by boat across the Kwake ocean and others yet, argued that they had been there the whole time. Whatever the case, the Dragons and the Elves soon began to battle over land, creating a grudge that would withstand time and remain even after a truce had been declared.

All of this may have once been true, but now as the lands are torn between savage and greedy humans these peaceful and ancient races alike must make an important decision, do they want to help the humans in those devastating wars of theirs? And if they do, one what side should they partake? Or should they remain as they have for hundreds of centuries, and not get themselves involved with the frivolous wars of humans? Or, the last and possibly most destructive option of all, should they band together and eliminate the dirty race that is the humans? Little is known about the humans future, yet it seems grim - as even the centaurs started to discuss leaving their homeland to share pieces of the future in the grand council of the dragons. Galiar’s future is unpredictable, especially when dark forces start to seep their way into the underground of Galiar, bringing a threat not only to the humans, but to all the other races combined. This is the land of Galiar, and it needs your help.

E N T E R - G A L I A R

human - dragon - elf - shapeshifters - etc
a creative medieval-fantasy RPG

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