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Date Posted: 02:16:36 12/12/04 Sun
Author: x.vanity v.1 Empires Always Fall.x
Subject: x.an epic battle. troy vs. greece.x



Since the beginning of time men have waged war. some for power, some for glory, some for honor.......and some for love.

In ancient times the love between Paris, prince of troy, and Helen of Sparta which created a war between Troy and Greece when Paris took Helen with him from her home and her husband.
Paris refused to give Helen back and Helen refused to go back to the husband she did not love. Her husband then turned to his brother, Agamemnon who's pursuit of honoris corrupted by his overwhelming greed. He then agreed to lead the armys of Greece to try and conquer Troy and seize control of the Aegean, thus ensuring the supermacy of his already vast empire. Though the great walled city was much hard to take over than planned, even with the great Achilles fighting on his side. though with Achilles falling inlove with a lyrnessos princess and the king taking her away so greedily we will come to see much more than a simple love story.

Two worlds will go to war for honor and power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for love, a nation will burn to the ground.

welcome to the year long struggle for power

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(c) katers & jazzy's creative minds.
(c) warner brothers for the movie

a fistfull of drama given to you by katers & jazzy


html by jazzy

..vanity v1. Empires Always Fall..

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