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Date Posted: 13:01:04 06/02/05 Thu
Author: Etheral Enigma
Subject: Moral Anarchy: Science gone to far?

The Story

Two years ago in the seaside city of Porthaven, there was a government outbreak that gave birth to the realization we humans are not the only intelligent species on this planet. Creatures we had only thought figments of our imagination now walk among us. Vampires, lycans, magi, even angels and demons suddenly appeared. The Authorities kept a huge secret, if anyone knew what they did to these creatures, they would go down in inhumanity history. And so the general public was told that these creatures; magic-wielders, were dangerous, and that all should be detained.

But what this really meant was that the Authorities’ lust for power could never cease. Because what the general public doesn’t know, is what happens to these magic-wielders after they are detained. They are taken to the Laboratory and partake as test subjects for twisted scientific experiments. Their magic is stolen from them, they’re changed, mutated into strange new things…

Some escape, some are never caught. But the Slayers are already onto them, bringing them back to the Laboratory kicking and screaming. Magic-wielders can only pray when a slayer finds them, they will be killed, rather than taken alive. And so the magic-wielders live among us as they have always done. But now they are known; only action can save them from their twisted fate. Rebels are cropping up everywhere, fighting the slayers as we sleep in our cosy beds. There are holes in Authorities system, magic-wielders are forever slipping through their fingers. There are whispers of a takeover, a revolution is beginning…

Come and be part of the anarchy.

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