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Date Posted: 16:23:30 06/29/04 Tue
Author: twista
Subject: monarch butterfly ***************

version 2.0
monarch butterfly
Libre is a wild horse rpg. Found nestled among a circle of blue peaked mountains, it provided life when all other sources and hopes failed.

willing to learn

As you make ingression upon the unfamiliar lands, you feel a slight uneasiness. Not knowing what may be lurking in the shadows can strike fear even into the bravest of hearts. You dare not allow your optics to pause their uneasy movement as they survey what can be seen. You then feel a strange presence, and know that something is there, watching you. Through the dense foilage the familiar aroma of fellow equine invades your senses, urging you closer. Come join us...it seems to say. Your left with two options, follow your heart to freedom...or return to whence you came.

. E n t e r . L i b r e .
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