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Date Posted: 14:10:31 07/02/04 Fri
Author: Person A
Subject: Hyine Nowle

--> Hyine Nowle : photosynthesis <--

Within the depths of New York, along the bustling streets, fascinating things were happening that no one could deem possible. And these fascinating things, are people, young teens to be exact. There was a girl who could walk through walls, a young boy who could make earthquakes, and even adults who could change shapes and forms and control others minds. They have no control over this, and some wish that it had never happened to them. As most people are instinctively, they were dangerous. People scorned their existence, and forced them into hiding. Until, a man named Charles Xavier had an ingenious idea. Why not create a sanctuary for these confused teenagers? On that thought, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters was opened. It was hidden in a mass of forest in northwestern New York, close to the small-populated city of Bayville. The humans here had ideas, but question did they not- deciding it was best not to mess up their own lives because of simple rumors. Gradually the students were allowed off campus to explore the city, under the strict rules that they didn’t use their powers- on purpose anyway. Most were deathly cold and held back from the humans, not wanting to go through the same torture and pain they had before. However, after a time, thoughts of mutantations and other rare gifts didn't cross the minds of humans. Soon humans and mutants were interacting without a second thought, even dating. However, there is always those special few who decide it is their race that should rule the world...
--> ENTER <--

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