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Date Posted: 12:01:16 07/09/04 Fri
Author: pirate
Subject: the fabled vampire

Chapter One

brought to you by Pirate and rubber ducky

Quietus is a role playing game based on the novels by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. You can play as a vampire, a witch, a Triste witch, a shapeshifter, or a human (freeblood or slave). Yet another rpg made by rubber ducky and Pirate. We hope you enjoy this game!

and paste)

There's more to the old legends than you know. They aren't just a bunch of old wives' tales or the ramblings of some bumbling fool. True, they have been exaggerated, embellished, and twisted, and they may seem a tad farfetched, but there is truth in the words. Creatures of the night who consume blood do exist. They do not turn to dust when in the sun, although the bright midday sun does bother them. They do not fear crucifixes or holy water, though they no longer seek the solace of religion. They do not sleep in coffins or need to return to their native soil at dawn, though they are nocturnal by nature. Yes, I speak of the fabled vampire. There are truth in the stories; I should know.

My name is Drake. I was born in the year 50 BC in some forgotten part of the Roman Empire. Some twenty years later, Egypt became a Roman province. In that same year, I was born to darkness. I no longer remember my maker's name and I'm sure he was destroyed long ago. For over two millennia, I have leeched off of mankind. Only a short while ago, near the mortal city of Noche and the vampiric city of Chaos, I founded Nocturne. Many vampires flocked there, for it is only there that they can train humans to fit their whims without being frowned upon. I am Master of Nocturne, a marvelous trainer, and a legendary vampire. My second-in-command, Falon, is even older than I. None understand how I am in command when he is one of the few who would dare overthrow me. I wouldn't allow that though. I demand as much respect from my fellow vampires as I do from my humans. I am a ruthless trainer and I have never hesitated to pluck a desired human from its home. I do what I want.


Imagine your fears come to life. The legendary power of the the mysterious vampire exists, as do the witches that hunt them and the shapeshifters that live among them. They live all over the country, all around the world. The tales are true, however embellished they may be. The truth is there, right in front of you. See the world in a different view. Seek the truth in the myth of the vampire, the fabled vampire.

  • knowledge of roleplaying
  • understanding of the English language
  • ability to spell and use proper grammar
  • ability to look and not touch
  • respect
  • a willingness to grow and learn
  • an interest in vampires

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