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Date Posted: 00:40:59 07/10/04 Sat
Author: Ali
Subject: { Never After .. Human/Anthro RPG .. Quality writers only }

Human/Anthro Role-Playing Game //Never After <-- Click [new window]
Maturity and Respect
High Standards
Writing Talent
Rated R

In Zenen, year 2117, a law had been passed which would change the world as they knew it. No longer would it be that anthros were humans’ inferiors, the law states, but their equals. The anthropomorpha population would now be allowed to vote, have jobs, and have most rights an average person was entitled to. By law, the only privilege forbidden to them was marriage since they were not generally recognized by religion. This, however, was still a large improvement considering previously they had been acknowledged as little more than animals. Perhaps, though, the leap had been too large? There were problems with this seemingly magnificent development.

The law angered the majority of the human populace. Many could not afford to maintain their workforce that once could upheld for free but now at least had to be given minimum wage. Also, many of the anthro employees no longer wanted to be maids or laborers. Then there were the humans who still saw anthros as merely animals. They found the thought of sharing their homes, workplaces, and life with these brutes disquieting and pathetic. Often it was thought perhaps they should be given a protection law like the one other pets had received, but certainly no more. To the humans, letting them walk around unleashed was reckless and dangerous; like dogs they most likely could be prone to bite. Lastly, there was the viewpoint of where they were simply inferior to the humans-- after all, humans had made them. Anthros were seen as the dark skinned population was seen in the late 1800s and how homosexuals of the 21st century were, and treated just as poorly.

However, humans were not the only ones who were bitter about the changes. Only a small minority of anthros wanted anything to do with their former masters, the rest would rather never have anything to do with them again. The opinion that the other race was inferior to them was also frequent in anthros, not just their human counterparts. After all, they were genetically engineered to be superior. Others are just angry at the way they are/were treated. With the discrimination they receive they aren’t allowed entering some public buildings, and no one ever speaks up when they are harassed, which is frequently. Since they often would not be hired for jobs, money and thus shelter was hard to find. This leaves almost all of the anthros in a difficult situation, and the blame mainly is thrown onto the humans.

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