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Date Posted: 14:30:44 07/23/04 Fri
Author: Rai
Subject: Prehistoria

~*In a place where the sequence of events has occurred differently, prehistoric beasts walk alongside the humans. And with this great change in time, even the humans have evolved strangely. They have developed to have different features that pertain to the group they are from. The humans have split into two groups: the Voires (who live in herds) and the Raphis (who live in packs). The Voires are Bonded to the plant-eaters while the Raphis are Bonded to the meat-eaters. The Bonded have the ability to speak mind-to-mind with their companions and to each other. They also have the ability feel each other's emotions. Even with all those magick-like abilities, magick is very rare and revered. In this strange world of magick and the early mammals, war is a constant, for one group hunts the other for food. But even here, the creatures seem to be threatened. With the dropping temperatures, the remaining dinosaur species are dying. They are becoming rare now and Bonds with the reptiles are hard to find. Will this world lose its other creatures as well?*~

(Please add in your post that Raithien/Thanatos sent you. Thank you!)
Bonds Of Prehistoria

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