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Date Posted: 02:26:01 05/30/05 Mon
Author: Wes
Subject: Dre loved Wes' pad, almost as much as Wes had once loved it... but recsently he'd been spending more and more time at Keisha's place and less in his own place- it just lacked the welcoming warm friendly feel that Keisha's place had when it was empty. He and Dre headed up in the elevator, dre's hair shaved in a similar style to Wes's own hair, and they were laughing and playing over something as wes opened the door for Dre. Wes followed the little boy in and cocked his brow to his father, tipping his chin and offering a welcoming smile in greeting before following Dre over to where they were at. Wes leaned down over the back of the couch and pressed a kiss to Keisha's forhead, before leaning on the back of it and glancing to his dad "Whats up?"
In reply to: Keisha 's message, "xoxox" on 02:18:55 05/30/05 Mon

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  • Keisha smiled up at him, her fingers wrapping in his briefly before she looked over to Dre, opening her arms up to 'her' little boy. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and made a fuss over how good his hair looked and stuff before she grinned and took him into the kitchen to get him some icecream. Ty watched her go, a smile on his face as he shook his head. "You got yourself a good one there, son, did much better then I ever thought you would." He winked, teasingly, He had just never thought the girls that Wes went out with were good enough for them - most of them were bimbo's and he had figured his son would end up settling with one of those flighty girls. (NT) -- Keisha/Ty, 02:30:40 05/30/05 Mon

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