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Date Posted: 03:00:40 09/11/07 Tue
Author: Wes
Subject: *

Wes was returning home from a pretty long day in court, his tie already hanging loose around his neck, top button unfastened and his suit jacket left open. He hung the keys to his porche on the little hook that Keisha had put up during her re-decoration of the penthouse after she'd moved in, not making too much noise since it was pretty late and he wasn't sure if Dre would be sleeping. It was almost nine-thirty and the day seemed to have gone on forever. He usually tried to be home for six or seven- and he could usually swing it, but the case he was working on was drawing out long and hard. "Keish?" He murmered quietly as he picked up his mail and glanced through it idly. She was getting along well int he pregnancy- and all fears of miscarriage had long since been pushed to the back of his mind, her diabeties didn;t seem to be affecting her like it had last time, and they were keeping an eye on it. He tossed his mail down and moved through the flashy apartment to look for her, shrugging out of his black suit jacket easily, his broad shoulders seeming much more free without it.

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