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Subject: ILGA-Europe is seeking a Policy Officer (Networks).

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Date Posted: 03:04:08 05/30/05 Mon

The post holder will be responsible for providing policy, lobbying and capacity building services to support ILGA-Europe's advocacy of LGBT rights at the European level, within the context of its European Community funded work. In particular the post holder will work with our member organisations to implement and influence European level policies in the areas of employment, social inclusion and equality.

Candidates should be strongly committed to working for this cause, and have competencies and experience in developing, presenting and implementing policy proposals, in lobbying, and in working with members and external partners.

Other requirements are:

- a good knowledge of human rights and equality issues, particularly as they relate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people;
- a high standard of written and spoken English.

Useful additional experience/knowledge could include:

- an excellent knowledge of the European institutions, and particularly of EU law and policy on discrimination;
- experience of working in an NGO;
- a working knowledge of French or another major European language.

Gross salary: between 34,500 and 38,000 Euros per annum, depending on experience.

Relocation support from within Europe to Brussels will be given.

Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 17 June 2005.

ILGA-Europe is an equal opportunities employer.

The application pack is available from the job advert posted at http://www.ilga-europe.org.

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