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Subject: looking for hanging out buddies with whom to shake life a little

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Date Posted: 15:06:14 05/11/08 Sun

Hi everyone

I'm Laure and I'm 36, been in Brussels a few months, but as an independant worker (I'm a writer and translator), I don't get many occasions to meet people...
...and well, spring is here at last, and I'm feeling a little lonely and bored in my closet. Would like to meet adventurous, easy going grrrls with some experience of life (not too young !), culturally minded, who like music rather on the punk side, drinking beer, being loud, that sorta things (drag king types most welcome ;-))
I'm not a shy person, but I haven't found the guts yet to go out on a "girls only" party on my own. Is that because I'm a recently-come-out-gay-with-a-straight-past ? Could be. I am who I am. But as I already mentioned, it's "getting out of the closet time" ;-))
I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship (in the sense of "settling down"), but frienships and hanging out buddies would be nice...
The Pride on saturday would be the occasion to meet other similar minded expats and have some real party, don't you think ?
I'm french, and I speak english and german too.
I'm into literature, music, movies, history, urban day and nite life...
If you recognise yourself a little in my portrait and would like to meet me, don't hesitate to drop a line.
Looking forward to inspiring encounters...


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