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Subject: Re: getting back to you

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Date Posted: 06:37:37 08/26/08 Tue
In reply to: Aline 's message, "Re: First contact to say hello" on 08:13:18 12/22/07 Sat

dear Aline,

I've just re-read the few message we exchanged and I would be happy to meet you sometime! Are you still free for a chat in town? That would be cool ... :-)

>>Dear véro,
>I've just read your message. I'm sorry I didn't reply
>you earlier but those last months I was quite busy and
>went abroad on several missions and on vacations. I'd
>be very happy to meet you and have a chat. I strongly
>feel the need to share commun experiences with women.
>Not all my friends know that I'm gay and sometime it's
>hard to hide who you really are ...
>I look forward to meeting you.
>Dear Aline,
>>I'm reading your message, and it's funny because I
>>guess I feel something similar to what you said, i.e
>>that I also recently accepted that I'm gay (and maybe
>>bisexual too??) ... so that would be nice to share
>>experiences and have a chat sometime.
>>I also work in Brussels, in the field of European
>>projects, and I have lived abroad for a while.
>>If you want, please drop me a line, I'd be happy to
>>discuss with you! :-)
>>>This is my first contact with egow. I've just found
>>>out that such an organization existed in Brussels !
>>>Let me introduce myself. I'm belgian and based in
>>>Brussels. I work in the field of international
>>>cooperation. I've travelled a lot and worked for many
>>>years in Africa (where I was actually born). Perhaps
>>>this could explain why I'm quite open minded and
>>>interested in meeting people from different cultural
>>>Oh, and by the way I'm gay ! Though it's only
>>>that I've accepted it. I'm still wondering if I'm
>>>a lesbian or a bisexual. But I don't think it really
>>>matters. What matters now is that I'm willing to meet
>>>other gay (or bisexual) women in order to chat, to
>>>share experiences and ideas, to spare easy going
>>>moments together. For I believe that it is by
>>>from each other that we are learning from
>>>So that's it !
>>>Looking forward to reading and meeting you

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