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Date Posted: 11:29:31 07/16/14 Wed

We want to thank everyone that came out for this car show last Saturday. If you missed it you missed out on one of the best shows we have ever attended. The church members went out of their way to take care of the car owners. They brought us chairs, cold water was non stop and they fed us really well. We had raspas, fruit cups, hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, pizza and much more. When the show ended some of us had a hard time getting back in to our cars. Never have we been treated so well and with such respect at a car event. Some car owners had their misgivings about letting kids around their cars. But let me tell you, the kids were very respectful. The teachers had them write questions for the car owners and it made for some great interaction between us and the kids. Paul Ebrom brought out his awesome Pro-Street 1973 Chevy Luv and it was the life of the party as kids were constantly asking him questions and taking pictures with the truck. Thanks again to everyone that made it out for this show. Our hope is that the kids got some inspiration to become future hot rod owners and will keep our tradition and hobby alive for many years to come.

Last edited by author: Wed July 16, 2014 11:30:19   Edited 1 time.

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[> Subject: Those some bad cars but What's with the filters on all the pictures

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Date Posted: 01:15:47 07/20/14 Sun

>We want to
>thank everyone that came out for this car show last
>Saturday. If you missed it you missed out on one of
>the best shows we have ever attended. The church
>members went out of their way to take care of the car
>owners. They brought us chairs, cold water was non
>stop and they fed us really well. We had raspas, fruit
>cups, hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, pizza and much more.
>When the show ended some of us had a hard time getting
>back in to our cars. Never have we been treated so
>well and with such respect at a car event. Some car
>owners had their misgivings about letting kids around
>their cars. But let me tell you, the kids were very
>respectful. The teachers had them write questions for
>the car owners and it made for some great interaction
>between us and the kids. Paul Ebrom brought out his
>awesome Pro-Street 1973 Chevy Luv and it was the life
>of the party as kids were constantly asking him
>questions and taking pictures with the truck. Thanks
>again to everyone that made it out for this show. Our
>hope is that the kids got some inspiration to become
>future hot rod owners and will keep our tradition and
>hobby alive for many years to come.


> >HREF="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_E
>manuel-Show/7-12/"> >src="
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em
> >src="http://www.texasdragracing.com/events/2014/7.12_Em

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