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Date Posted: 17:52:01 07/17/14 Thu
>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!
Last edited by author: Thu July 17, 2014 21:16:25
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