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Subject: TRUE 10.5 RACE UPDATE

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Date Posted: 15:47:45 07/17/14 Thu

Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far as car count. And I am going to need a text with your car picture please. If you don't have my number then you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm your car.

1. Sniper - Confirmed
2. Goldrush
3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
5. Warbird - Confirmed
6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

So that's the list so far for those that are up for a True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES! Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars, todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face crying and promise I will get you on video and post it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do this. Some of these guys are working out of town and need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

Last edited by author: Tue July 22, 2014 22:34:22   Edited 4 times.

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[> Subject: This is what I'm talking about. Ceasar "Warbird" sent me a pic to confirm. Even sent me a pic of his kids. Please don't send me pics of your kids...lol.

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Date Posted: 16:10:41 07/17/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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[> Subject: Got a pic from GHR of the Death Dealer Camaro - All right I like where this is going.

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Date Posted: 17:32:29 07/17/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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[> Subject: And here we go

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Date Posted: 17:52:01 07/17/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

Last edited by author: Thu July 17, 2014 21:16:25   Edited 1 time.
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[> Subject: 1/8 mile you'll get more cars no rules who ever crosses first wins

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Date Posted: 11:00:35 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: We will leave that decision up to the racers. Got a message on Facebook from Leo "Who Hit You" - Said he will be ready to race in August. Anyone else have scheduling problems. Let us know ASAP so we come up with a firm race date.

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Date Posted: 11:17:24 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 mile would be great I'm not really 100% ready for 1/4 mile

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:44:37 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I am currently offshore and will not be in the valley until Aug11 to Aug17 if you guys want to race earlier or after I cant make it.. Its up to you guys.. 1/8 mile sounds good to me!!

Leo AKA El Mochates
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Date Posted: 12:58:01 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Bad Company is in for 1/8 mile

Bad company
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Date Posted: 13:33:16 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 mile sounds good and for the date just say when

!!!! GOLD RUSH !!!!
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:17:13 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 mile sounds good

Joe dirt
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:21:01 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 mile it is !!!! Love 1/4 racing but majority rulez!!!!

"Warbrd" Tamez Racing
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:58:47 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 or 1/4 I'm down

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:17:20 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Thats messed up MOD....I mentioned the 10.5 all out race since April and finally its here....cars/racers responded to it quick..... Since when have bikes or car show been considered a carnival; bikes are there every first friday of the month putting on a show for the fans....35 bikes were down alrdy and counting.... and then you act like you dont need any other ideas.....packing the track full of fans, racers, and every car enthusiast possible was the goal....but i guess you've had things under control since new ownership kicked in.......rrriiggghhtttt........you can take my 10.5 idea and run with it as if it were yours. Your response disappoints me but my passion for cars,racing and superbikes will keep me going to E.R. I know you'll delete this post soon enough so others wont read it......just had to let you know my thoughts,afterall they aint that bad as you can tell 10.5 looks like it might be a hit.

<<---- CUSTOM GSXR 750
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:42:12 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/8 mile is a great idea!!......alot of racers dont wanna hurt there cars getting to the end of the 1/4 run.....plus with the power cars put out now adays compared to the 90's era.....E.R. might not have enough stopping room without using a parachute. Feedback only......not tryn to talk shit. 1/8 it and more cars will join as they mentioned in the above post.

<<---- CUSTOM GSXR 750
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:53:22 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Bro show me where I said anything against or dissing bikes?

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:50:38 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject:

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:55:18 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: So Aug the 15th it is or what

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:25:38 07/19/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: August 15th is the only day that Leo " EL WHO HIT U" can participate so let's set a date I'm Down for august 15th let's set a date before everyone gets cold feet !!!

!!!! GOLD RUSH !!!!
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:06:08 07/20/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I'm down for Aug the 15th

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:47:17 07/20/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I'm good with the 15th as well as long as everyone else can make it.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:37:58 07/20/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Aug 15th is good with me Im down!!!!! Lets put up a good show!!!

"Warbrd" César Tamez Racing
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 20:06:44 07/20/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Bad Company is in for the 15th

Bad Company
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:46:22 07/20/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Can you smmmeeellllllllllll!?!? What the track is cookn!! .......for Aug. 15th!! 10.5 is gonna be awesome!!!

E.R. Is alive!!
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:47:41 07/21/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/4 MILE PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:16:40 07/21/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I'm in for Aug 15th Joe dirt

Dirty Joe Racing
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:16:53 07/21/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Undertaker says he will throw in $500 to the purse but only if the race is 1/4 mile. What do you guys think?

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:37:30 07/21/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: August 15th it is .. Chicken hawk

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:09:49 07/21/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 1/4 mile

El Jefe
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 03:47:54 07/22/14 Tue

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!
1/4 mile

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Received a picture of the Chicken Hawk Camaro - good to go for the 10.5 race

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:31:03 07/22/14 Tue

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper (what kind of car is it? need a text)
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - When will you be in town?
>5. Warbird - I assume this is the badass Trans Am
>6. Death Dealer Camaro (never heard of it - text me
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - I think that's Jor Dirts Blown Car
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Performance
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang
>12. Bad Company Nova

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Need feedback please - Got a call from a local racer. Said he has three cars to add to the list but they only have "W" tires - Should we allow "W" tires or keep it to True 10.5 tires?

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:37:26 07/22/14 Tue

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Is this 10.5 race going to be free to run ???? and is it 1/8 mile????

interested racer
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:38:16 07/23/14 Wed

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 10.5 race date

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:38:39 07/23/14 Wed

We are going to be out of town on the 15th, any other date would work for us. Quarter mile all the way!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: true 10.5 is a10.5 tire. A w is not a true 10.5..... the catch is to run on a small tire that gives the slower cars a chane.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 01:09:51 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject:

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 09:06:09 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I only have w tires on my mustang....so I won't be able to race...good luck

tommy hernandez
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:07:28 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 10.5 ?????

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:15:02 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

what hieght? 29/ 30 / 31. anything go as far as tire hieght?

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: The way I see it is a True 10.5 race is a drivers race. We are going to see who can take all that power and put it to a small tire. If there are lots of cars that want to run w's or a bigger tire maybe we should have two classes.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:48:19 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Isnt a 10.5 "w" like only an inch wider than a 10.5 tire? Maybe a small block car with a 10.5w can be allowed to run? Unless big blocks are scared of small blocks on a "w"?? haha.....Just a thought.......Itll make a great show for Aug. 15th. Lets get as many cars possible......has anyone mentioned the race to out-of-towners??

<<---- CUSTOM GSXR 750
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 14:42:21 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 10.5

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:17:45 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]


[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:19:19 07/24/14 Thu

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: No height limit just 10.5 Robert

!!!! GOLD RUSH !!!!
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 01:50:03 07/25/14 Fri

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: going to take down the fastest car for that event "Undertaker" meet Undertaker from Dallas

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:52:07 07/25/14 Fri

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Is this The Real Undertaker?

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:04:15 07/25/14 Fri

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I still say that is an awfully big ass tire for a True 10.5 damn!

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:06:21 07/25/14 Fri

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Thanks for the compliment calling me the fastest and all, but I am not the fastest by a long shot, just the most consistant. See you there Aug. 15th!

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 09:10:50 07/26/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: See you at the staging lanes

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:58:16 08/13/14 Wed

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Looks we had a lot off talk and no action bunch is bs for those of u who said u would show up to race and u didnt . But we all know you just weren't fast enough.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:17:17 08/15/14 Fri

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Sad night at ERT

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:08:45 08/16/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

There was really not a lot of fast cars, most of the fast guys that said they would show didn't. What was worst of all is when I took my son to the restroom.there was a guy all fuked up leaning agents the wall with his dick out of his pants a beer in one hand and a coke bag in the other. Drove a long way for nothing.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: Every racer that went shame on you guys track set something up for you something that was fair for everyone and you still cried you guys are not real racers just wannabes

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:17:05 08/16/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: What the track should have done is prep the damn track. Most of the racers nearly wrecked their cars trying to make a pass down that dirt road LOL

Real racer
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 14:38:48 08/16/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: I thought that was the point of a 10 inch tire race? To see who could make it down the track with a lot of horsepower and not a lot of tire. I saw the blue Mustang make a bad ass pass with no problems on a small tire. While everyone else was being a bitch testing and testing. What the fuck were you testing for? The race was there all you has to do was line it up and stop being bitches. We heard the track announcer call the cars to the lanes over and over and nobody would line it up. Now I see why the mod doesn't care about racing anymore. Nothin but a bunch of bitches left.

Now a car show guy
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:24:39 08/16/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: tanto pedo para cagar aguado.

racing is dead in the valley with all these so called racers.
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:31:22 08/16/14 Sat

>>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>>your car.
>>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>>2. Goldrush
>>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]


[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:44:46 08/17/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: promote on TV for an event? I am sure that is an expensive advertising and besides why would you suggest the mod promote out of his own pocket so the track can take in all the benefits $$$? you are right though racing in the rgv is not like before, years back were its glory days with 2 racing websites in the rgv with both doing constant racing and now with one you can't get a dam single race without someone crying.

old timer
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 18:08:15 08/17/14 Sun

>>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>>your car.
>>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>>2. Goldrush
>>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]


[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:48:33 08/17/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: 10.5 Race

Undertaker from Dallas
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:21:08 08/17/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!
Hey I wanna give thanks to Carlos De Leon (Joe Dirt) Noe Rodriguez(gold Rush) JC and Angel Padilla for the Hospitality it was a Great time i spent with them Sorry I Could not make a pass at all. Management needs to step up and Prep the Track I spoke to him Earlier that day he said he was gonna prep it around 8pm after it cooled down but he did not If you want Big Cars here to Race on Events you put on you Management need to step up or let someone take charge Undertaker (RGV)I herd you hurt your Motor Sorry Dude next Time will meet.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: 10.5 Race

Undertaker from Dallas
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:28:30 08/17/14 Sun

>>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>>your car.
>>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>>2. Goldrush
>>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!
>Hey I wanna give thanks to Carlos De Leon (Joe Dirt)
>Noe Rodriguez(gold Rush) JC and Angel Padilla for the
>Hospitality it was a Great time i spent with them
>Sorry I Could not make a pass at all. Management needs
>to step up and Prep the Track I spoke to him Earlier
>that day he said he was gonna prep it around 8pm after
>it cooled down but he did not If you want Big Cars
>here to Race on Events you put on you Management need
>to step up or let someone take charge Undertaker
>(RGV)I herd you hurt your Motor Sorry Dude next Time
>will meet.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: Yes I hurt my motor just a little lmao! Maybe you give us a holler when something good comes up in you're area, cause I'd love to take a road trip soon.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:05:39 08/18/14 Mon

>>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>>your car.
>>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>>2. Goldrush
>>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!
>Hey I wanna give thanks to Carlos De Leon (Joe Dirt)
>Noe Rodriguez(gold Rush) JC and Angel Padilla for the
>Hospitality it was a Great time i spent with them
>Sorry I Could not make a pass at all. Management needs
>to step up and Prep the Track I spoke to him Earlier
>that day he said he was gonna prep it around 8pm after
>it cooled down but he did not If you want Big Cars
>here to Race on Events you put on you Management need
>to step up or let someone take charge Undertaker
>(RGV)I herd you hurt your Motor Sorry Dude next Time
>will meet.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[> Subject: o was out there Friday with my family, I was really looking forward to seeing some fast car and heads up racing. the night was a let down but the worst part was when I took my son to the restroom. some guy was there all fucked up leaning against the wall with his dick out of his pants a beer in one hand and a coke bag in the other. the track is definitely not a family place.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:46:25 08/17/14 Sun

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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[> [> Subject: We don't charge extra for the free pee pee show.

Track Official
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Date Posted: 13:23:47 08/20/14 Wed

>>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>>your car.
>>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>>2. Goldrush
>>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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[> Subject: I bet your mom shows up every week.

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 03:29:43 08/30/14 Sat

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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[> Subject: when is the next race?

la dorada
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Date Posted: 05:02:35 09/08/14 Mon

>Removing all the bullshit, this is where we are as far
>as car count. And I am going to need a text with your
>car picture please. If you don't have my number then
>you don't know me..lol. But plenty of people have it
>so get it and get me your picture so I can confirm
>your car.
>1. Sniper - Confirmed
>2. Goldrush
>3. Angel "Nemesis" - Got a call from Angel to confirm
>4. Leo "El Who Hit You" - Confirmed
>5. Warbird - Confirmed
>6. Death Dealer Camaro - Confirmed
>7. Undertaker - Always game for anything
>8. Chicken Hawk - Confirmed
>9. Juanio's "La Tequila" Truck (That's one truck)
>10. Jason Cantu - Top Notch Mustang - Confirmed
>11. Joe Dirt's Chapulin Mustang - Confirmed
>12. Bad Company Nova - Confirmed

>So that's the list so far for those that are up for a
>True 10.5 Race. And what I am hearing is NO RULES!
>Everything goes...tube cars, back half, street cars,
>todo el pedo. Only thing I would like to see is
>Pro-Tree and full 1/4 mile racing. Yeah, it's scary as
>shit but we are lucky to have a 1/4 mile track, lets
>use it. But you are the racers so I will go with your
>decision. As far as the other party bullshit someone
>suggested, no thanks. Don't need no fvcking carnival
>going on. We are there to race and that's it. We don't
>need a car show, a swap meet, live music, and no damn
>pony rides. Just strap on the True 10's and bring it
>to the line. A coin toss decides your fate for lane
>choice. And who you race will be drawn from a hat. We
>won't even have qualifying. You get two test hits and
>that's it. Bring your hoopty to the lanes and get it
>done. As always, no cry babies. You get in my face
>crying and promise I will get you on video and post
>it up...haha. Seriously dudes, lets get it done. Get
>me some feedback on dates of when you all want to do
>this. Some of these guys are working out of town and
>need time to get their cars down and prepare. TDR
>Racing - COME GET YOU SOME!!!!

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