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Date Posted: 21:13:20 08/14/14 Thu


1. Due to construction on Expressway 281, there is a temporary entrance to Edinburg Raceway in place. If you are going North on 281, you must exit at Cibolo Rd and stay to the right - Keep heading North until you reach the entrance to the track. If you are coming South, same thing. You will need to exit at Cibolo Rd, go under the overpass and head North but stay to the right - DO NOT GET BACK ON THE FREEWAY!!! - Stay to the right and follow the road North to the race track....

2. We will have a racers meeting at 9:00PM SHARP!!! The location will be the main track office near the staging lanes. If you are racing you MUST be at the racers meeting or you cannot race. Why? Because this is where we are going to draw cards and pair up the cars. So if you miss the meeting you will not be paired up and won't have anyone to race. We will also be collecting the $100.00 race entry at that time. Remember, this is a gamblers type race. There are NO BUY BACKS!!! You lose first round you are out.

3. First round of competition is at 10:00PM sharp! We will call cars to the lanes at 9:30pm - You will know who you are racing so please stay in order. We will explain more about that at the racers meeting. We will also be discussing what lanes to get into so there won't be any confusion.

4. As per prior feedback, the race is 1/8 mile and will be run on a Pro-Tree! We will discuss how bye-runs will work at the racers meeting. Please be there!!!!

5. If you feel someone is running the wrong tires (i.e. a W tire) then please complain about it before the race! Do not come see me after you lose your round and you have gone and checked the other car and decided the race was not fair - Remember, NO CRY BABIES!!!!.....

6. Testing before the race. If you plan on making some test hits before the race that is fine. But please get to the track as early as possible and get your hits in. Don't show up at 8:45pm expecting to make a test hit because you will miss the racers meeting and you won't be able to run. But you can keep making test hits with the rest of the test & tuners.

That's all I have for now. If you have any questions please call me or come see me at the track. I am off all day tomorrow and will be available all day. So I plan on being at the track very early. As always, everyone please stay safe. While we encourage you guy's to put on a good show for the race fans don't be a hero. If you get loose, lift and come back to race another day. See you dudes at the track and thank you for your support of Texasdragracing.com - STILL, THE FASTEST RACERS IN ALL OF THE SOUTH!!!......

Last edited by author: Fri August 15, 2014 08:54:52   Edited 1 time.

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