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Subject: 26/11 Party or not? do you really want it?

Bryan Wong
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Date Posted: 15:03:01 11/21/04 Sun

Hi everybody, after the Event day, seems Proud of 20 has completed. But...
AS I have reminded you all to come for the party on 26/11, the celebration party is "supposed" to be held at student hall. However, for the exhausted OC members, they are so tired and the progress is tardy. Last monday we have a belated OC meeting and Chun and Shea also came to help thinking about the party. However, again many things are still in progress. German is the person in charge for this party, but she is so busy everyday to travel between HK and mainland, no time to urge every OC/walkers by personal calls. If we all cannot contribute a bit, I prefer cancelling it rather than just an evening in choas in front of guest from Oxfam, President, Dean and Sponsors.

Thus, I wish to draw your attention, and be CONSIDERATE please, Note that:
1. Have you reserved your tickets, it affect my order of catering!!! CAll Teresa 2788-9136 , deadline MONDAY 22/11, give us a call.
2. Prepare 2 min script if you want to share your feeling.
It is not optional, if you don't have prepared it, sometimes, the result you may regret! To be serious to your owned sharing moment please! Sumbit it to info@citywalker.org, we will check and give your some feedback just if necessary.
3. Team Leaders can you help to call up your teammates to above two points. Then, make Agnes know 91090610. Help the tired OC please!
4. If you have time and would like to give us hands, you are welcomed for OC meeting on Monday 7:30pm, CUPA, R6167

FYI, Danny Ho is busy for us to creat a song for the Proud of 20.
i really hope all Citywalkers can keep the spirit and help a bit for the Party to make our celebration time well.


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Subject Author Date
Re: 26/11 Party or not? do you really want it?Winnie18:59:04 11/21/04 Sun
Re: 26/11 Party or not? do you really want it?Brian Chui00:46:34 11/22/04 Mon
Re: 26/11 Party or not? do you really want it?Bryan Wong01:13:52 11/22/04 Mon

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