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Subject: Re: >>>>>

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Date Posted: 15:33:54 03/30/01 Fri
In reply to: Shaa 's message, "Re: >>>>>" on 18:27:42 03/11/01 Sun

Alahmar groaned and twisted with pleasure. His cock hardened, as he got more and more excited. Finally he couldn't take it. He pushed Shaa roughly aside, biting her hard on the neck. She screamed with the painful bite, only exciting Alahmar more. She edged away, trying to escape his maddened stare. With a harsh laugh, he sprang over to her, moutning her before she could move. He clamped his teeth hard onto her neck, biting through her soft flesh. His hard c*ck thusted so hard that Shaa screamed and writhed with pain. Alahmar thrust harder, roaring with pain and lust. He thrust harder and harder, his entire body rising then crashing down on Shaas. He slid off, licking her p*sst with an expert tounge. She began to move away, he bit her hard on the rump. He stuck his toung in her p*ssy, swirling, making himself more horny. With a scream, he flew up onto Shaa, thrusting so brutely, they both screamed with pain. He thrusted so hard, it sent them spinning to the ground.

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