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Date Posted: 10:24:36 05/11/02 Sat
Author: Phoenix
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Subject: :*unattainable*:

:*small two-horse rig pulls into the drive, gravel crunching beneath ancient wheels. trumpeting call is sounded from inside trailer, sound of unrelinquished terror audible from sound of shod hooves on steel. handlers dash from pickup to back of trailer, brave soul slipping into front opening from trailer, untying the many leads that hold stud in, as well as whipping off hobbles that keep him still. back of trailer is opened into small pen, sound of hooves scurrying down the ramp and into the pen. blood bay stud emerges, nares quivering with scents of other horses, wild flame-induced octaves wildly roaming new territory. limbs strike the earth in small act of defiance, muscles rippling under silk coat, arch of his neck is defined as poll tucks under. conformation is near perfect, impeccable breeding shown in sinous limbs and perfectly sculpted profile. handlers leave the pen, tacking up a sale sign, thoughts only on getting rid of the beast.*:

8 years of age
Thoroughbred breeding
17 hands in height
asking 15,000 dollars. negotiable.

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