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Quads carry 'er delicate frame forwards. 'Er hair streams behind 'er, as she runs to you. 'Er obsidian daggers flash in the sky, and as she lands, she becomes one with mother earth, again. 'Er coat is the colour of the newborn sun, kissing the sky at daybreak. 'Er tail flails in th' wind, an' she raises 'er head to greet the morning sun. For 'er short height (14.5), she holds 'erself with pride, 'er neck outstretched, and body held 'igh. Dominance is 'er way....she wants, no must, be in control. Although she 'as only been in the world for four years, she knows much about the world and it's ways. 'Er name is Desert Rose, and she enchants all that gaze upon her. She is a Desert Arab, untrained, fiery and stallion will push her around.... Yet, if anyhorse dare to look closer, they shall realize that her willfullness, and fiery nature, cover deep sorrow.... If thou wants 'er for thou's 'erd, you must charm 'er into it... If thou wants 'er as a mate, thou must make 'er learn to love thou, first.... Natasha, [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |