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Date Posted: 18:10:44 03/02/06 Thu
Author: Jonny Brandon
Subject: Re: You cannot be gay and be Christian
In reply to: Matthew Villani 's message, "You cannot be gay and be Christian" on 14:36:59 01/13/06 Fri

I think a discussion would be in order here. I should be quite willing to enter into a discussion about Christianity and humanity, providing you actually believe the following:

1] As a Christian, I accept the Bible as the living Word of God. I realize that the Bible, although Divinely inspired, is a complicated document and that its teachings should be considered as a whole---the entire Bible is the Word of God and picking this verse here and that verse there is NOT a valid use of this great tool which God has given us.

(Should you wish to only throw verses as weapons, you have missed the whole point. My comments using that method: "And Judas hanged himself" followed by "Go thou and do likewise".)

2] The teachings of Jesus are important to my life. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Bible must be viewed as a tool and guidebook for us to love as Jesus loved. Yes, I know we are imperfect, but at least we must strive.

3] Jesus (and the Bible) teaches us to love, but not to judge (lest we be judged). Judgement is God's perogative, not ours.

If you, as any real Christian must, agree with the above statements, I should be quite willing to debate with you.

As a further comment, I should like to point out that people claiming Christianity, but restricting it only to those whose beliefs are exactly like their own, are destroying the religion that they claim to love. I have friends who have been subjected to attitudes like yours---and worse---who can't understand how I can worship Jesus, the God of Hate. This hurts me greatly. How can I help people come to the joy and love of Jesus, if they see him as a parochial and judgemental god. (Notice, in this instance god is not capitalized---that individual is not God.)

I am well-educated, a believing Christian active in my Church, and Gay---the way God made me.

I take up your challenge. It is my purpose in life to show Jesus love to all---not just those who are just like me.

You have issued a challenge. The next step is yours. Shine your spiritual armor and step into the fray.

>The bible forbids for man to lay down with another man
>as he would a woman. Guess what caused the Roman
>Empire to fall, immorality, one of the things being
>homosexuality. Homosexuality kills societies. Why do
>you think God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Homosexual
>activity among other things. Is the next thing to come
>out going to be Christian Pedophiles, Christian
>Zoophiles, and Christian racemixers? Oh wait, the last
>one already exists. Why should I be surprised that
>queers have plagued Christianity?
>BTW, that was a quick rant, if you want proof to back
>up my statements, I'll throw it right in your face. If
>all you can refute this with is "You're such a bigot",
>then I know that you know I'm right and it drives you

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