Jin, Knight of the FATES
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Date Posted: 07:20:40 03/11/03 Tue
He had finally arrived. Jin stood in the middle of nothing and everything, the line of excistance where Heaven and Hell infuse together and literally make a null existance, that exist within every living creature.
A realm of paradox.
A realm of life and death happening simultaniously.
A realm of FATE.
Jin was able to feel the constant flow of souls being created, and flowing to their final destination, wether it being to eternal damnation or to eternal happyness. What ever the case scenario may be, it is merely FATE that desides it.
He stood there, in the middle of all realms and all plains of existance, surrounded by darkness, being the only constant thing there. Normally, any other being would be torn within the plains themselves, a torturous defence mechanism of the realm of FATE, but Jin fully accepts his existance of being the definition of Holy and Unholy itself, accepting the Kayoroqua family secret but taking full control of it, instead of loosing himself like his father Mitsukai.
Akujin and Jin were both able to be there earlier, since they both were one and the same, Jin being the first living soul to possess two different FATES, one of them, Akujin, ending years ago.
It was time to reclaim Akujin's work, it was time to reclaim the FATE of not only the realm of Aurora, but all realms altogether.
He raised his hands, dark energy flowing in his left hand, holy energy flowing in the right, surging with everlasting energy from his very soul. Jin is sheer momments away from summoning the FATES, hopefully reclaiming that power.
He didn't want to merge with the FATES itself, though. That was merely Akujin's dream, to redesign existance in his own image, wanting to be the Creator himself. Jin, on the other hand, wants to be granted the privlige of using the power of the FATES.
The realm began to shake, orbs of gold appearing all around the realm, the FATES weren't merged yet. Billions of orbs begin spiraling through out the realm, the FATES of billions held within each individual orb. Approximatly 1000 orbs gather together infront of Jin, harkoning to his call, forming into a being of golden fire, multiunverse seen within each eye, the body being somewhat humanoid, but changing shapes within each species of existance.
"I am Umu Matsuro Fubo, an encarnation of FATE that could actually coincide with mortals, yet hard to coincide altogether. Why do you summon me?"
Jin's gaze fell towards the being before him, the being that Akujin wanted to merge with. He shook off the thought, hands still glowing with their individual energies, Jin's very power spilt in two, giving off two seperate readings to anybody who could sence him in such a plain of null existance. Jin's reply was simple.
"I wish to behold your power, and change the FATE of existance to allow the FATE of everyone to coincide, instead of their being only one FATE."
" you wish to hold a portion of my power, are you aware of the consequences?"
"Yes...I am aware that my own FATE will not soul will never have a resting place, and my body will not sleep, though my body can be put to rest and my soul could be destroyed. I would exist and not exist...I would be FATE. I would be a being with an uncertanty, but know the certanty around him." Jin just realized who he's talking conversation even required? Umu Matsuro Fubo can easily read Jin's own fate and know exactly why he was summoned in the first place, which is when he inquired. "Why do you bother even asking me if you should know my purpose before even I know of it?"
A smirk is heard from Umu, along with the scattered voices of a billion souls, be born and dieing, the orbs spiraling even faster now. "You will soon learn that you will be at peace when you allow the book tell you it's story at it's own pace, instead of strugling with understanding the contents of the last chapter.
Now combine the powers that should normally remain seperated, and accept my Null Existance."
Jin took deep thought into the words of Umu, understanding what he meant by his metaphor. He smiles, as he stares at his glowing hands. He slowy brings them together, the powers resisting each other like two positive charges, Jin uses his strength to combine them anyway, waves of colliding energy spiraling out of his hands, bright gold lights exploding out of this unisen.
"Now, grasp onto my blade and be one with me...without letting go of the combined powers...use my energy to grasp onto my existance.
Jin looks up from starring at his burning hands, them being locked together, trying to maintain the impossible bond. The sword appeared infront of him, in all of it's glory...the Divine Revalation.
At first it looked impossible to grasp onto the blade without undoing the knot he made with his fingers, when he began to feel the golden energy from within his hands, the energy of FATE, a nulled existance. Jin only starred at the mysticle blade, he knew it was a sword, but it had no form. It was nothing more but a blurry orb infront of him, he had to visiualize the blade itself.
A flash of light, FATE energy literally exploding out of Jin's hands in an instant, the blade appearing with both of his hands, and fusioning with the energy that emmits out of them. The sword finally took shape.
The sword itself looked as if it was made out of hollow glass, thick at the hilt and thin at the blade, one would think that such a thing could just shatter upon impact, but the sword controls not only Jin's cluttered FATE, but it can rewrite anything within the book of FATE itself, it's own FATE being that the sword is unbreakable. The hilt of the blade looked like it held it's own universe within the hallow glass, the blade itself emmits a glowing light whenever FATE is rewritten...emmiting the light like a heartbeat. Simplistic in design, but unstopable in the least. The sword can manipulate it's weilder's current FATE, it being the only FATE Jin posseses at the momment, his future now could end anywhere.
He looked up, Umu was already gone, along with the orbs of gold. Jin knew what to do now.
"Vain might go after me now...I must be ready..."
Tendrils of black circle around the blade, Divine Revelation pulsating with the change of FATE, the tendrils combining together and forming a hilt for the blade, belt included and not sold seperatly (lol). Jin swings the hilted blade behind him, buckling the belt on his chest. He was ready to fight Vain if he had to, but he first must learn how to fully harness the power of the FATES, golden tattoos forming around his body, displaying ancient hieroglyfics of text from the Book of the FATES itself. The symbol of the White Wind now having a eqyptian golden eye behind hit, the symbols practically merged. Zenra could now feel Jin's energy, and he could feel hers.
"I must go back."
He simply fades, using FATE energy to change his very location, it being his current FATE and the only thing he could alter on himself. He appears behind Zenra, who is infront of the son of Ceallac.
"I return...I have what I shouldn't be played with but must be used against Vain...what should our next move be...?"
His eyes are now different, instead being a sunburst of Silver and Ruby, it's now a simple sunburst of Gold. His wings are hidden within his soul at the momment, and he's dressed in his priest battle robe he's had on. (Think Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear)
Now we shall see what FATE lies for Vain.
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