Subject: What I do with my spare time. (Comments please.) =D |
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Date Posted: 21:40:04 03/13/03 Thu
Evanescence - Wake me up inside
It's one of those times, I wish i could animate, because single pictures just don't do justice to the images I see. But here's a rough of the six pages I drew to this song, all to do with the Forgotten RP, past and present.
How can you see into my eyes (Zenra praying)
Like open doors (She looks toward you, tears in her eyes)
Beating you down (Wyrd standing, furious in the bubble when Vain 'escaped')
Into my core (Wyrd roaring his rage, cracks appearing in the bubble)
Where I've become (The bubble shatters around him, shards of energy everywhere)
So numb (His head is bowed in his supposed failure, shards of energy disolving around him)
Without a soul (invellios sitting on the ground while trasparent)
My Spirit sleeping somewhere cold (He looks down, in dismay, feeling worthless)
Until you find it there (He looks up with slight hope, and hand offered down to him)
And lead it back home (Zenra's standing there, with her hand outstretched, and a soft smile on her face)
Bring me to life
Wake me up inside (You see the back of Zenra, dressed plainly, and not at all goddess-like)
Wake me up inside (you see her hands on the hilt and sheath of her sword, ready to pull it out)
Call my name (You just see her face, and she looks really pissed off)
And save me (Now you see her, she's got the sword poised diagonally in front of her, black pointed down, all bad ass like)
From the dark (Two panels for this one, one panel is her drawn back for a cross slash, one hand on her sword, and other in front of her, as though waving to someone, and the second panel is just a slash across a dark background)
Then my blood to run (Zenra's on her knees, clutching her stomach where Ceallac had slashed her, dressed in her skimpy, yet very cool Egyptian like outfit.)
Before I come undone (You see Elrihm the Fox standing amist the broken Weave with tears in his eyes)
Save me from the nothing I've become (You see Wyrd sitting alone, looking toward you from the side with a sad, nothingness kind of look)
Bring me to life
Now that I know when I'm without (You see Ariel sitting all tied up when she was captured by the demons)
You can't just leave me (Ariel front view with her looking off to the side, calling out for someone to save her, and looking terrified)
Breathe into me (You see Wyrd standing over a small carved animal, breathing over it)
And make me (An up close view of the little figure, you see it's a figure of a fox, and Wyrd's mouth over it, breathing on it)
Real (now the Fox is real, and it's Elrihm, when Wyrd and Lashana remade them. Wyrd's huge eye is seen looking over Elrihm's back)
Bring me to life
Wake me up inside (You see a hammer hitting over a sword)
Wake me up inside (You see Vain holding up the Sword, looking at with a maniacal grin, and looking a bit insane)
Call out my name and save me from the dark (you see Ceallac being held from behind by Shirow, looking extremely pissed, but terrified, and Shirow looking at him without any emotion other than hate)
Then my blood to run, before I come undone (You see Shirow ramming his hand into Ceallac's stomach, while grasping his throat, Ceallac looking off with look of extreme and life taking pain.)
Save me from the nothing (You see Shirow wiping his face of Ceallac's blood with the back of his hand, real upclose look of his eyes, lacking any kind of remorse or regret of killing Ceallac)
I've become (You see Kiasin with his wings and tail holding up Vain's sword, a dead look in his eyes)
Bring me to life
Frozen inside without your touch, without your love (You see a baren white landscape with a few broken pillars, and a few black cloaked figures looking out from behind the broken pillars.)
Only you are the life (You see Seraph standing alone out in the snow, dressed in a cloack with the hood dropped down. He looks kinda sad, and you can see the tips of feathers poking out in the front of the cloak)
Umong the dead (You see Enzeru and Karina standing out in the snow as well, Karina smiling and looking like, yea bitch this is my man, up against Enzeru, who looks like he could give less than a shit about the world with one hand over Karina's shoulder.)
Bring me to life.
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