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Subject: Bad luck & Knight in shining armor

Bill Carlson
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Date Posted: 23:20:38 04/01/02 Mon

I purchased my first voyager in 1988, new off the show room floor. About 3 years I lost it in a terrible divorce. I swore I would never ride again and didn't until September of last year when I just happened to be in a Kawasaki dealership and saw (What I thought to be my original bike) being traded in. I couldn't resist, I bought it.

Now after finding a club; Southern California Voyagers, I am riding with a good group of people who care about one another. As my bike, being older and buying it used I have no idea what problems I might face with the machanics. For the first ride the wife and I took to LA, we had trouble with the fuel pump. After that was corrected our next endevor was a flat tire on the freeway. God was with us on that one and we made it Ok. and thanks to one of our members who happened to have his original tires from his bike and gave me one great deal on them. After that episode we made the Laughlin run without a hitch and the old bike made it home fine.

During a routine tear down for maintenance Mr. butter fingers (Me) droped the head lamp lens on the garage floor and well to my suprise Kawasaki wanted $239.00 for the thing. After careful concideration I decided due to my present employment status I would not be able to afford a new replacement. After a plee for help/advice to one of the club members and good friend, I was able to replace the head lamp lense and a battery with parts he had on hand. Once again used parts at the right price and my bike is whole again.

The night in shining armor I am refering to is the clubs vice prez. and safety director Mike Wong. His genorosity and real concern has helped me in my times of need. Oh, I'm sure that any one of the members would have done the same had it been in their power to do so, but he come through for me. I wish to extend my many thanks to him and his lovely wife. I will aslo offer this same courtesy to any one else in need if I am so able.


I have been blessed to have come into a group such as the Southern California Voyagers. So if your looking for a good group to ride with and just enjoy true concerning freindship; Come on board, Let's ride!

Bill Carlson #61

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