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Subject: Triangle Rally in Lewiston, Idaho

Rob Fleming
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Date Posted: 11:31:39 06/12/02 Wed

Ten SoCal Voyagers members made it to the Triangle Rally in Lewiston, Idaho this past week and managed to cause quite a stir while there. Mike Wong came away big winner with best bike in bike-and-trailer category, best AVA bike in show and best bike overall. Remember, this was a rally co-sponsored by the GWTA, AVA and CMA, so Goldwings, BMW's, Harley's, Shadows and other bike brands were competing with our Voyagers in this show. Congratulations, Mike! Yours truly lucked out with a best bike in category (touring pin-striping) award. Johnny and Janice Boone entered the croquet games and Janice was one of the finalists playing for a $90 jackpot. Mike and Shirley Wong, Darrell and Becky Reed and Bach and I participated in the bike riding skills games and made a good showing overall, but were unable to come away with any of the prizes.

Our chapter won the AVA most members present award with 10 members. Congratulations to us all!

While the rest of us were participating in bike games, croquet matches and entering in the bike show, Lou and Kyoko Caspary were going on the various rides in the region and enjoying the sights and scenery of northern Idaho.

As far as I know, everyone made it home without adverse incidents other than my breaking a speedometer cable. It was a great run and we'd sure like to see more members join us next year. Dwayne and Charlotte Ash of the Gem State Voyagers will be running the show next year.

I'll be posting photos on the Web for your viewing pleasure tonight or tomorrow.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Triangle Rally in Lewiston, IdahoMike Wong19:54:01 06/12/02 Wed

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